My Political Views
I am a left moderate social libertarian
Left: 6.42, Libertarian: 1.96

Political Spectrum Quiz This is pretty much where I fall each time I take one of these quizzes... slighly to the left of liberal, slightly below the middle in the authoritarian-libertarian spectrum. This one is longer than most though, with 50 questions, and asking the testee to rate the importance of each, which really means 100 questions.
My Foreign Policy Views
Score: -3.52

Political Spectrum Quiz
My Culture War Stance
Score: -5.89

Political Spectrum Quiz
For the record, Noam Chomsky ( in 'Government in Future,') identified Social Libertarianism as the true heir of the ethic and aesthetic heir of Classical Liberalism.
For the record, Noam Chomsky ( in 'Government in Future,') identified Social Libertarianism as the true heir of the ethic and aesthetic heir of Classical Liberalism.
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