Saturday, November 8, 2008
Pastoral Spaghetti Harvest
Friday, November 7, 2008
Climbing FAIL!
Just a bit ago, he posted a great video of a drunk squirrel. Good giggles.
So today I was pleased to read, finally, a column of Rheinhard's that I actually enjoyed. His last. Following are a couple of fun excerpts.
I wanted to be a newspaper columnist in the worst way, and no doubt many readers would say I achieved just that goal early in my career here.I'm sure this is intentionally ironic, but yes, he was a columnist. In the worst possible way.
One story: Some months after I arrived here I was at my desk one morning thatSadly, many of Rheinhard's positions were more looney than the recent headlines, Aliens Suspected of Stealing Mt. Hood. UFO sightings were clearly too mundane for him. Goodnight, David.
my column ran. The phone rang. I braced myself, but the man on the other end of
the line could not have been more complimentary about my offering that day. I was
new to the trade, insecure as an opinion columnist can be, and ready to listen
to this wise reader.
"You really should be syndicated ..." he said.
Isn't that what every young columnist wants to hear?
"Your writing reminds me of George Will's ..." Oh, merciful heavens, George Will is one of my idols.
"... except that your writing is easier to understand ..." Yes, yes, yes. Exactly. My one criticism of Will's work was his baroque, mannered prose. My head was spinning. A feeling of well-being washed over me. Was this a great gig or what?
"Do you mind if I make one suggestion?" No, no, my good man, suggest away. I've got all day for readers like you. Go right ahead.
"Do you think The Oregonian could devote more space to UFO sightings?"
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Looks Like We Got 'er Back in "D"

see Pundit Kitchen
I have a couple more politiposts to get up, but I'm so relieved, and so happy, for so many reasons. But I need to spend more time on what I love most: science generally, geology especially. I look forward to getting back to it, but like I say, I'm not quite done gibbering about poitics yet.
Why McCain Lost
- Bush
- Palin
- Rove
- Sound bites over substance
He never separated himself substantively from the idiocy of the first, however often he may have stated that he was a change from Bush. He actively chose and promoted the idiocy of the second, likewise the poisonous tactics of the third. Finally, rather than running as the true "maverick," he bought into the Republican platform hook, line and sinker. This was presumably to solidify the "base," but showed a lack of understanding that this is a period of crisis in our country. We the people want thinking outside the box, away from SOP, because SOP hasn't worked out so well. I'm a little concerned that Barack will bow to convention too easily, but to my mind he was so superior to McCain that there was no consideration of "choice" on my part.
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Few Laughs to Take the Edge Off...
Piraro, whose comics I've posted a couple of times, put up a couple today that he invited his readers to share. Who am I to say no to Pirarro?

Michael Palin wasn't (despite my first impression) McCain's VP choice. However, a couple of guys out of LA have been running a Silly Party Campaign to get him elected President... no, seriously. The Silly Party.
For the Record
Jeff Merkley- US Senator
Kurt Schrader- US Representative, OR. Dist. 5
Kate Brown- Sec. State
(and I'll skip the remaining minor and local votes)
54-57: yes
I have very mixed feelings on 57, but it's set in opposition to a much worse measure in such a way that if both pass, the one with most votes is implemented. This shouldn't have been allowed to happen at all. Thanks once again, Bill Effing Sizemore! BTW, would it be constitutional to sponsor a measure barring BS from EVER submitting a measure again? Srsly!
58-65: No
Commentary: That whole thing, bubbling my ballot, sealing the secrecy envelope (which hides my ballot while my registration and signature are checked) sealing and signing the outer envelope, AND writing up this post, have taken less than half an hour so far. While drinking coffee and listening to music at my favorite coffee shop. After I post this, I'll walk two blocks to the OSU Library and drop my ballot off. Compare that to a guy who called in to CNN this afternoon after spending 3 hours standing in line in freezing weather.
Whatever your politics, most of us here in Oregon simply can't understand why every state in the country isn't implementing Vote-by-Mail.
Finally, my condolences to Barack and his family on the loss of his grandmother. Even though Hawaii is suspiciously foreign, and it was certainly a massive strategic error to visit her when you received word she was failing fast, you must be relieved that you made the right decision. Once again. I hope you apply the same wisdom and compassion to our country. While I think few would be disappointed to live to 86, to fall mere hours short of a grandson's election to President of the US (and I become more confident with each passing hour), is heartbreaking to many of us.
Again, our thoughts and hopes are with you.