Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop.
What is so hard about these caveats and disclaimers scientists take for granted, and come up over and over again, when discussing science results? Is the collective journalistic memory so short that scientists (or their lawyers) have to start reading a statement before they ever make a comment?I think this is a fine idea. This statement should be printed up on cards, and when talking to journalists, hand them a copy along with your business card.
Please understand that the following result is preliminary and should not be taken as the final word. For anyone unfamiliar with the field, an effort must be made on the reader’s part to see where this fits in with the prevailing models of the day. There is a chance that it could be wrong or have only limited applicability to broader problems being investigated by other research teams. Further investigation may confirm our findings, or show that our results were anomalous or contained errors.
Scientists already know this. Journalist should know this.
Haze in the Willamette Valley likely traveled all the way to Oregon from Russia, rather than over the Cascade Range from a small wildfire near the town of Sisters.On Monday, The Big Picture ran a gallery of 38 photos from the Russian fires, which I found pretty mind-boggling. But for the smoke to be making itself known halfway around the world? Wow.
National Weather Service meteorologists say smoke from more than 500 wildfires that have burned through forests and peat bogs in Russia is being carried across the Gulf of Alaska and down to the Northwest.
Deep below the buildings and busy streets of New York City, beneath the labyrinth of subway tunnels and stations, lies the geologic foundation that makes New York City unique in the world. This foundation consists of the city’s five bedrock layers: Fordham gneiss, found primarily in the Bronx;(...)The Manhattan schist is pretty famous, which is why I jumped to that conclusion. In the photo, since you can't see the mineral grains, I couldn't tell. Remember, the distinction between a schist and a gneiss is the former is mica-rich. In the latter, the T & P are high enough that the micas start to convert to feldspars and other silicate minerals- they lose a lot of the platy nature of schists. The textures could be either one.
The University of Oregon tops a list of 230 universities in a new ranking of the most gay-friendly colleges in the nation, followed closely behind in 15th place by Oregon State University.BooYah! Go Oregon!
Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples.
But even before the ruling was announced, supporters of the ban had already filed for the decision to be put on hold pending an appeal to the next level, the US ninth circuit court of appeals, the last stop before reaching the Supreme Court in Washington DC.
One man dies when California-based death metal bands' van rolls on I-5 near Medford
The man who died was identified as Makh Daniels, lead singer for the San Francisco death metal band, Early Graves. Daniels, 28, from Pacifica, California, was one of five members of the band; the other four-member band traveling in the van was identified as The Funeral Pyre from La Habra, Calif.Now this isn't really funny; a person died, and though the article doesn't say, I'd be surprised if others weren't injured. Somewhere family and friends are mourning. Still, this is stunning in how opposite it is to irony.
These contractors are installing the steel pillars in concrete to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement outside a Sports Bar downtown. They are now in the process of cleaning up at the end of the day and anxious to go home.
How long do you think it’ll be before they realize where they parked their truck?