Saturday, December 26, 2009
English Beat, Tears of a Clown:
UB40, Red, Red Wine:
Trivia: Two members of the second group, Andy Cox (guitar) and David Steele (bass guitar), went on to form the first group. The third song was originally written and recorded by Neil Diamond in 1968.
Saturday Funnies: Christmas Edition

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“I have nothing against the little drummer boy. I just wish he’d learn a new song.”From Shoebox

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I skip more videoclips than I watch, but the "engineers with cats" series is almost always worth the time; this one is no exception. (Spoiler: Pew-Pew-Pew) Via The Daily What.

From Not Always Right, a compendium of anecdotes demonstrating that the customer isn't. Poor kid. I can relate.
(Mall | London, UK)
(I am the elf at a Santa’s Grotto display in a shopping centre. A very well-dressed, eloquent boy, no older than 5, sits on Santa’s lap.)
Santa: “Merry Christmas, young sir! Have you been a good boy this year?”
Boy: “Oh yes, Santa! I’ve been extra good all this year because mummy and daddy said if I am extra good, I can have whatever I want!”
(Santa looks up to the smiling parents, who are nodding approvingly.)
Santa: “Well, it does seem you have been EXTRA good this year! What would you like?”
Boy: “Angelina Jolie.”
(Santa looks again at the parents, who continue to smile and nod like this is a standard request.)
Santa:“You’d like Angelina Jolie for Christmas?”
Boy: “Because I’ve been extra good!”
Santa: “I’m sorry little guy, I don’t think she would fit in my sack.”
Boy: “Oh don’t worry, I don’t want Brad Pitt. You can give him to someone else!”

Fellow Oregon blogger Fran posted this clip of a kitteh getting the scare of the season... I've already watched this a half dozen times, giggling at each jump. In a similar vein...

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas From Glenn Beck

Don't even think about sending your friends Christmas cards. Or Hanukkah cards. Or cards for any one of your other intolerant, hate-filled holidays. The only option this holiday season is RamaHanuKwanzMas cards. These cards come in boxes of 10 (with envelopes) and have the RamaHanuKwanzMas logo on the front. On the inside, they say "Best Wishes for a Non-Offensive Celebratory Event." Buy your box while supplies last.

Holy Cow, here's this too. I went over to get the link, (both links to the same page) ended up looking around for a moment and found:

Have you ever driven by a hippie, environmental protest and had your beautiful gas guzzling SUV keyed?Really? Now I'm not recommending vandalism, but it's kind of stupid to bring this to my (and others') attention. BTW, hydrocarbon is one word, and most of the people who worry about our overuse of the materials therein are familiar with it. You clever, clever protist.
Now you can protect your car by making it appear environmentally friendly with the Glenn Beck Hydro-Carbon Powered Eco-Vehicle bumper sticker. Look like a friend of the Earth while killing it at the same time!
Hydro Carbon just means oil, but with our clever recycle-shape inspired design, environmentalists and global warming zombies alike will take one look and think you’re on their side. Only we’ll know the truth behind it…you evil conservative hate monger!
And with this sticker 2-pack you get one for your car, and one to share with a friend.
Merry Conflicted Christmas
The boys of the NYPD choirhits the sentimentalist in me pretty hard.
Were singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day.
I can't say it's "my favorite" Christmas song, but it's definitely a favorite.
NORAD on the Net

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
In Which Ben Helps Me Express My Reaction to the News

Followup: 12/26- It has come to my attention that the above animation often doesn't animate. If it's just a still frame, you can't really see the funny... try this link.
Praying for Theistic Murder
It didn't occur to me that this might be a hoax, a bit of performance art. No one seems to know whether this is "real" or not, though presumably, someone does. Since this has popped up in quite a few other places, I had more or less decided not to post it myself. However, I think Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast makes a very, very important point:
If it ISN'T a joke, but a serious caller, than we are in more trouble than we realized. And even if it is a joke, Barrasso's reaction, or rather, non-reaction, to the idea of praying for someone to die, means we are in more trouble than we realized.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Unlocking the Puzzle
The bill is expected to win approval, but Republicans were threatening to continue debate until early evening Christmas Eve. But some in the GOP were wary, fearing they would not be able to get home in time for the holidays.A threat to their vacation. Their selfishness never disappoints.
It's Been Told Before
Still, I really like modern computer animation, and this is worth the five minutes it takes to watch.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Bottom Line

I'm more sympathetic than I'd like to be with the "Kill Billers," but we have been focused on this stupid thing now for about six months. There are other issues that are just as important simmering on the back burner. Killing it would almost certainly mean more of the steadily-deteriorating status quo for a decade or two.
You can't always get what you want; there will still be a significant number of unnecessary premature deaths, illnesses and medically-induced bankruptcies. And lord knows I'm not pleased with that. However, more often than is true now, sometimes people will get what they need.
Pass the bill. Contentment is not about getting what you want, it's about understanding what you have.
Vegetarianism is Murder
An article from the NYT does a fascinating job of explaining some of the strategies plants use to avoid being dinner:
When plant biologists speak of their subjects, they use active verbs and vivid images. Plants “forage” for resources like light and soil nutrients and “anticipate” rough spots and opportunities. By analyzing the ratio of red light and far red light falling on their leaves, for example, they can sense the presence of other chlorophyllated competitors nearby and try to grow the other way. Their roots ride the underground “rhizosphere” and engage in cross-cultural and microbial trade.Folks, we're part of the Kingdom Animalia. Quoting from Wikipedia, "All animals are also heterotrophs, meaning they must ingest other organisms for sustenance." Like it or not, your survival depends on other living things dying. That's life.
“Plants are not static or silly,” said Monika Hilker of the Institute of Biology at the Free University of Berlin. “They respond to tactile cues, they recognize different wavelengths of light, they listen to chemical signals, they can even talk” through chemical signals. Touch, sight, hearing, speech. “These are sensory modalities and abilities we normally think of as only being in animals,” Dr. Hilker said.
It’s a small daily tragedy that we animals must kill to stay alive. Plants are the ethical autotrophs here, the ones that wrest their meals from the sun. Don’t expect them to boast: they’re too busy fighting to survive.

Happy Solstice!

Oh well.
Picture swiped from Anne at Highly Allochthonous.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
More Bogus Science Trivia
Story 1, famed primatologist Jane Goodall wrote to a judge on Staten Island urging him to send a woman to prison.Fair disclosure: two of the stories were unfamiliar to me, but I recognized the one that misstated the news.
Story 2, another New York City story, the Department of Health last week removed bees from the list of animals that New Yorkers are prohibited from having. In other words, beekeeping is poised to be legal again in New York.
Story 3, another stinging story, many species of catfish actually produce poisonous venom.
And story 4, people with large fingertips have more touch sensitivity.
The reason I refer to items such as the above as "trivia" is not they they are necessarily unimportant, nor certainly not that they're uninteresting, it's that they represent little facts devoid of their broader context and relationships. There has been a fairly big blow-up in the geoblogosphere, especially the vertebrate paleo section, due to science being misrepresented in a major media production. (I've been meaning to get to this, and still may; here are a few places to start, if you want to plow into this on your own) This is the result of media types knowing their trivia, but not knowing their science. Science trivia knowledge does not equal science literacy. Trivia is often wrong. It may be thought correct at some point, and become part of broad cultural knowledge; meanwhile, scientists mercilessly test and challenge the "facts." So sometimes the facts change. Of the above (assuming they're stated correctly), at least three might potentially change, given the differing challenges they face. They might not, but they might.
So pay attention.
Sunday Funnies

see more Lolcats and funny pictures... convergent evolution, I guess.

About a buoy...
From Regret the Error, via TYWKIWDBI. Here's another from Regret the Error, to which I have just now subscribed:"London's ambassador in Spain was obliged to make a public apology on November 20 after British soldiers based in Gibraltar shot at a boy painted in the colours of the Spanish flag during target practice."From a Reuters news release which was later corrected to read "buoy" rather than "boy."
Earlier this week, we called congressman Jason Chaffetz a self-hating weirdo, an asshole, a probable closet case, and the son of Kitty Dukakis. He is not the son of Kitty Dukakis. We regret the error.("Error" at Gawker) Thanks for pointing me at this blog, Minnasotastan! And here's another:

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A couple of Barack's emails, via The Guardian:
Also too,To: All White House Staff Subject: My Nobel Peace Prize acceptance
All: By now I'm sure you've had a chance to watch the speech I gave in Oslo – about the paradox of receiving an award for peace in a time of war, of how we must sometimes use force to fight force, and other entries from the manual my speechwriting guys keep on their office bookshelf (On the One Hand This, On the Other Hand That: How to Use Contrasts to Seem Judicious and Fair-Minded). But above all, I stressed how humbling it was to receive the same prize as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi and Mother Teresa. I must say I was deeply impressed by my own humility. Humbled by it, even. I don't want to brag – that wouldn't be humble at all – but I really felt I was pretty damn humble. Which was nothing if not humbling.
Humbly, Barack
To: Sarah Palin
Huh. Thanks, I guess. I'd always assumed you'd have a ghostwriter for your emails as well, but apparently not.
Subject: Re: I liked your Nobel speech because I believe too in how good and evil there is sometimes war, but too I think you should boycott the Copenhagen summit as history's lessons show us, often.

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A smart person knows the best thing to say.Duhism
A wise person knows when adding the f-word improves it.

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