Saturday, November 6, 2010
150 Years Ago Today
Friday, November 5, 2010
Great Migrations

Dusk silhouettes a pronghorn at the Heart Mountain National Antelope Refuge in Oregon. (© National Geographic/Michael Durham/Minden Pictures)That's actually Hart, you know, like a male deer. But whatever. Another gorgeous Oregon location. This whole quadrant of Oregon doesn't see much use, and it's not all unusual to arrive at a well-known location and find you have the whole thing to yourself. In this FlashEarth link, I've placed the crosshairs over the regional headquarters of the Charles Sheldon National Antelope Refuge- you'll have to zoom in a little more to see the compound; I backed out so you could see the rim as well. A couple of miles south from the headquarters, following the gravel road, you can see a little white patchy area. This is tufa and siliceous sinter surrounding the Hart Mountain hotsprings. Very nice.
You Know What Comes Next, Right?
The Tri-City Herald reports that officials suspect the rabbit sipped some water left from the recent demolition of a Cold War-era building used in the production of nuclear weapons.So when violently mutilated bodies start showing up in the area, there will be no doubt what's going on.
Remember, Remember the Fifth of November,

The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,Thanks to FB friend Maureen for reminding of this anniversary. More information and the full poem can be found at Wikipedia, though I have to say, as gripping as the opening lines are, the remainder is a disappointment.
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
As a related aside, I watched V For Vendetta earlier this year, and found it much more moving than I expected.
Followup: Steve Denton and Kevin McIntosh also caught this... thanks for the reminder, all!
Another Followup: CSM has an interesting article about Guy Fawkes Day as seen in the US.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"Something Called 'Volcano Monitoring'"

Oct. 20, 1991 -- ©R.A. JensenImage from The Deschutes & Ochoco National Forests Webpages... a gallery of geology-related imagery from the general area can be accessed here.Many of the major features of Newberry Caldera are visible in this photo. Note Paulina Lake (left), Interlake Obsidian Flow (between lakes), Little Crater (center foreground), Central Pumice Cone (center background), Big Obsidian Flow (lower right), and East Lake (right).
KGW has picked up an excellent article from the Bend Bulletin on the installation of a set of seismic stations on Newberry Volcano, in order to monitor the area for indications of future eruptions. There's also a nice aerial photo of Lava Butte, which lies on the NW flank of the shield volcano, along route 97, a few miles south of Bend.
I really like the way the author, Kate Ramsayer, describes the risk in this passage. It is indeed "a very high threat," but it's probably not immediate. This sort of monitoring project will, in the event of an event, most likely extend the warning ahead of an eruption. Just as satellite observation of the atmosphere allows us a few days warning for severe weather events, seismic monitoring can give us days or weeks notice to prepare for volcanic eruptions, rather than being taken by surprise.Because of this, the USGS is planning to add eight seismic monitoring stations next summer on Newberry Volcano, which the agency classifies as a "very high threat."
But that doesn't mean new buttes or obsidian flows are going to pop up in Central Oregon next week, or even in the next century -- so people shouldn't sell their homes, Donnelly-Nolan said.
"The chances it's going to happen any time in our lifetime is very small," she said, but when the volcano does start to rumble, it could cause a lot of damage. "Imagine the disruption from just having a little lava flow across Highway 97," she said.
Here's the area in Google Maps, and here's a Flash Earth link.
View Larger Map
This area has a tremendous variety of volcanic and other landforms, and is a real delight for anyone with an interest in geology.
Derision Points
So Dubya's new book thingie is set to be released next Tuesday, but the NYT has the review today. I'm sure the review makes for better reading than its subject.
Certainly it’s the most casual of presidential memoirs: how many works in the genre start as a sort of evangelical, 12-step confession (“Could I continue to grow closer to the Almighty or was alcohol becoming my god?”), include some off-color jokes and conclude with an aside about dog poop?
The prose in “Decision Points” is utilitarian, the language staccato and blunt. Mr. Bush’s default mode is regular-guy-politico, and his moods vacillate mainly among the defensive and the diligent — frat boy irreverence, religious certainty and almost willful obliviousness.
I was one of the lucky few given the opportunity to get a sneak preview of the draft of a chapter, posted in its entirety here.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Some Days You Get That Pesky Mouse...

The Onion Sets Its Sights On Oregon

WASHINGTON—In the wake of what is being called the deadliest midterm election in the nation's history, Washington's sole surviving politician, Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon's 4th Congressional District, emerged from the rubble of the Capitol building Wednesday to announce his intention to rebuild the fallen U.S. government.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Emission Accomplished!

We can only wait now...
Please, no open lights. Flammable gases.
No More Time For "Studying"

I have had homework assignments I've been excited about- that doesn't mean they're easy, or without frustration, but it does mean that when I'm done I feel as if I've accomplished something of value. I've had others that feel like pure drudge work. This year's voting, for the most part, feels like the latter.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Today's Geography Lesson

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween

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