Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop.
The professor and his late colleague Sir Fred Hoyle championed the so-called "panspermia" theory from the 1960s.So yeah, it's panspermia theory all over. Hoyle did some important work, but, how to put this kindly, became somewhat detached from reality later in his career. Furthermore panspermia implies that all life on earth- not just human life- is descended from a cosmic ancestor, which renders the idea of "alien" sort of moot. It does nothing to change our understanding of the evolution of life on earth. It says nothing about the origin of life in terms of mechanism or location... other than somehow the good professor has decided that some undisclosed evidence "overwhelmingly" shows that it wasn't on Earth. In short, it's a theory that predicts and explains nothing. As theories go, this one is sort of lacking in the utility department.
"Evidence from astronomy overwhelmingly supports the view that life did not start on Earth but was seeded from outside," Prof Wickramasinghe said.
As an American who values scientific inquiry and integrity, I urge you to issue a presidential proclamation recognizing Darwin Day on February 12. Darwin Day is celebrated every year on the anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birthday in 1809, and is a day in which people gather together to commemorate his life and work. Charles Darwin was the first to propose the groundbreaking scientific theory of evolution by natural selection—a theory that has done more to unify and bring understanding to the life sciences than any other—and Darwin Day is a celebration of this discovery and of scientific progress.
I believe that issuing this proclamation will send a powerful message that scientific discovery and integrity in our society are top priorities—priorities that are needed now more than ever as extremists with narrow ideological agendas are attempting to undermine science in our schools.
Please stand with me and countless others who value science and discovery by issuing the following or a similar proclamation on Darwin Day.
The Republican Party of yesteryear was respectable. You were all about a small government that carried a big stick. Now you are just despicable. You used to be the Party of Lincoln and now – honest to God – you make Archie Bunker look progressive.She hasn't been posting as much as she did around the election, and I'm sort of hoping the posts will ramp up as we move into the midterms. But I swear, every single piece she writes is a gem. If you've been missing Molly Ivins as much as I have, you need to follow Margaret and Helen.
This earthquake shook and vented the mud volcanoes of Hungol so much that the gases coming out of this volcanoes got ignited and flames rose several hundred feet in the air.
Another account of these eruption come from V.P. Sondhi, who in 1947 also wrote about the same volcanic phenomenon in the area near the mouth of the Hungol River in Baluchistan following the 1945 quake. According to Sondhi, the self-igniting plume of gas had erupted “with such great force that the flames leaped thousands of feet high into the sky.”"Thousands of feet" sounds like an exaggeration to me, but I wasn't there.
The police in Hamburg warned against it. But despite their concern, some 35,000 Hamburgers spent part of their Sunday skating, or just walking, on the frozen-over "Aussenalster," the large body of water in the heart of the city.So apparently pretty much the whole of Europe is in a deep freeze. For what it's worth, warm wishes from Oregon.
Many locals had been hoping for a repeat of 1996, when a frigid winter resulted in a kind of city festival on the ice, complete with mulled wine and grilled sausage stands. This time around, the ice never quite became thick enough -- 20 centimeters is considered safe -- for officials to give the green light. But nobody fell through on Sunday. And they could tank up on treats at stands set up along the shore.