Stupid video; I think that's why it always entertained me. Bananarama, Venus:
Blancmange, Living on the Ceiling:
Madness, One Step Beyond:
Is This Your Hat?
10 years ago
Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop.
One of those angry at a Florida preacher's plans to mark Sept. 11 by setting fire to copies of the Quran is Shirley Phelps Roper, a leader of the Westboro Baptist Church....
"We did it a long time before this guy," Phelps-Roper said by telephone from a street corner in downtown Chicago, scene of the latest Westboro picket — against Jews this time, not gays.OK, fine. Credit where credit is due: You and your church are even more bigoted, insensitive, inhuman, and less representative of Christ's teachings than Terry Jones and his congregation are.
Morticia Addams: Children, why do you hate the baby?Picture from Adventures in Nerdliness, quote from Mike Cane's Blog.Puggsley Addams: We just want to play with him.
Wednesday Addams: Especially his head.
Very funny satirical snark; here's the link to the rest of this article, and here's the front page. Posting is irregular, but every single one is good. Here's another piece I had set aside and forgot (again, click over to read the whole thing):Rabid Dog Briefly Mistaken for Tea Party Candidate
JEFFERSON CITY, MO (The Borowitz Report) – A rabid Doberman Pinscher jumped on stage at a Tea Party rally in Missouri on Labor Day and barked at the crowd for nearly twenty minutes before people realized he was not a candidate.
The dog, later identified by its owner as “Mister Buster,” held the crowd spellbound as he barked, growled, and frothed at the mouth, eventually receiving a standing ovation for his exertions.
Gwendolene Thomason, 42, a Tea Party supporter from Jefferson City, was one of the hundreds on hand who were convinced that the Doberman was a Tea Party candidate until he was outed as a dog.
“I liked what he had to say,” she said. ”He reminded me of Glenn Beck, only furrier.”
Poll: One out of Five Americans Do Not Believe Obama Exists
‘Existers’ Movement Gathers SteamWASHINGTON The Borowitz Report – In what might be the most serious challenge to Barack Obama’s legitimacy as President, a new poll shows that one out of five Americans are not convinced that Mr. Obama exists.
The poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, reveals that 23 percent of those surveyed “strongly agreed” with the statement, “I believe that Barack Obama’s birth was faked, just like the moon landing.”
Barack Obama is launching a campaign to persuade American voters that the ailing US economy is safe in his hands, unveiling a $50bn (£32bn) infrastructure package tonight as the countdown begins to November's midterm elections in which the Democrats are expected to receive a drubbing.And of course, Weepy the Troll (R- Armpit) is compelled to chime in:
“As the American people, facing near double-digit unemployment, mark Labor Day by asking, where are the jobs, the White House has chosen to double-down on more of the same failed ‘stimulus’ spending,” Boehner said in a prepared statement.Ignoring Boehner's principled opposition, by which I mean if anyone other than a good, jayzus-feering rubblekin proposes anything, he opposes it on principle, let's look at what the American Society of Civil Engineers had to say about the state of US infrastructure last year: