Saturday, September 26, 2009
Lene Lovich, who I describe as being somewhere between Kate Bush and Nina Hagen, with New Toy... distilled 80's.
Fad Gadget- Collapsing New people. This was a group I took some time to warm up to, then couldn't get enough of. The audio's a little muddy, but the video grabs me.
Since the storms are often of limited extent both in time and space, quite a number of small fires can be started in a fairly restricted area. As the fire and the fire fighting run their courses, these smaller fires may or may not coalesce. Rather than worrying about naming maybe a dozen little fires that may or may not grow together to form one enormous fire, officials designate the whole mess as a complex.
The Tumblebug Complex has now burned over 11,000 acres according to the article where I found the vidclip below. The Boze Complex has also burned over 11,000 acres according to the Incident Information System. The video appears to have been made from a position between the two fires, so the first smoke plume (Tumblebug) is viewed in an eastward direction, with the plume moving south (right); the second plume (Boze) is viewed in a westward direction, and is also moving south, but to the left.
I Just Got Off the Phone With Your Teacher...

Jumbo Helicade
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Cloudy With a Chance of Heat Balls | |||| | ||||
Letter From Honduras
Armed soldiers toppled Zelaya and sent him into exile in his pyjamas on June 28 after the supreme court endorsed charges of treason and abuse of authority against the leader for repeatedly ignoring court orders to drop plans for a referendum on whether the constitution should be rewritten.In short, when he tried by referendum to change the constitution, the military threw him out of office and out of the country. He later snuck back in, and is currently holed up in the Brazilian Embassy. Had Bush tried to re-write the electoral rules of our constitution, to be approved by referendum, I hope the military would have thrown him out of office as well. Why Obama and the US are supporting this guy is beyond me.
Recently experienced my first curfew. The city of Tegucigalpa wasNo kidding.
shut down for two days. First 24 hours, power was off most of the
time. Using a fork as a sconce, and birthday candles for light, I
read. My computer could play music, so I was pretty set up. Last few
days, curfew has run from 6 pm to 6 am. Thing is, there is no way to
know when/if curfew will be made full time again.
I can't believe how casually 7.3 mm people's liberty is supended here.
The day before yest, I went to buy some food in a 6 hour suspension
of the curfew. The supermarket was so packed I wouldn't have had time
to pay for the food that I could select from what was left. So I went
from neighborhood market to market looking for stuff. Was pretty
successful, and now have enough calories to make it through a week or
so. But as I finished up shopping, I saw everyone was looking down
the street, and I followed their gaze. Some supporters of the
ex-pres, so-called Melistas, had been streaming by, amassing about 200
yards from my apartment. So the riot police were following them,
about 100 or so. I moved towards my place, but everyone else, not
just melistas, moved towards the police. Tear gas was fired off and
the wind, about 10 knots, was moving my way. Just a little of that
stuff is a lot. My eyes were red, my chest twitched, and twitched for
24 hours. But some were trying to kick the cans back towards the
police, which was very dumb. I bet they are miserable right now.
Here, laborers are paid daily because they need the money to eat. No
work, no food. Many other people have no refrigeration, so expect to
be able to buy perishable food every day. Day before yest, everyone's
cars were breaking down due to overheating in traffic jams, making
jams much worse. (No one fixes a car until it breaks down here.)
The angry people look like junkies. Their skin is white, their eyes
are dilated. I can sense at a glance that if they move my way, the
only smart thing to do is run.
The riot police are very restrained in my view. Confronted by similar
violence, American police would crush a crowd like that. The rioters
are mainly males aged 16 to 22 or so. Stupid kids.
Here, the Army provided security to the president, so if the courts
wanted to arrest him, which they did want to do, the army has to be
involved. Otherwise, the police and the army are going to have a
shoot out. So it's not really honest to say that it was a military
coup. The current president was elected by the congress and I don't
believe he has a history of involvement with the military. He
certainly did not establish himself, and clearly has no intention of
remaining president past scheduled elections in November.
Mel Zalaya is an asshole, and the US giving hope that he will be
restored protracts the problems here. The poor believe that if they
stir up trouble, eventually the US will use force to reestablish
Zalaya. I spend a lot of time telling people that will never happen.
(It's not the US's fault, of course. But the Obama administration has
taken a badly wrong position on this situation.) On Zalaya, what kind
of patriot goes from country to country encouraging other govt's to
cut off humanitarian aid to his country? Encourages his own
supporters to destroy the property of his fellow citizens? He was
undeniably taking steps to subvert the constitution by attempting to
be reelected. So the country was confronted with a choice of how much
to subvert the constitution, not if to subvert it. I think they made
an OK choice though not exactly what I would have done.
Hope you're well out there, enjoying a break in the heat. Take a swig
of stable government and practical liberty for me.
Friday, September 25, 2009

I got a chuckle out of this one, though. As an avid television non-watcher, this seems just like something the Big O might choose to do. And I would avidly non-watch that channel too.
From National Geographic, where there's more information.
Cardboard Cutout?
Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.
...but it does leave open the possibility that's just a mannequin.
GMail Down Again?
Is this going to be an ongoing problem, Google?
We Don't Need No Steenkin' Gummint Regulators
Guess we can chalk this up as another great victory of common sense and conservatism over that socialist FDA.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
HIV Vaccine?
A relatively small number of people became infected with HIV – 51 of the 8,197 people given the vaccine, and 74 of the 8,198 who received dummy shots – but the difference was statistically significant, which means scientists believe it could not have happened by chance. It worked out at a 31% lower risk of infection for the vaccine group.The only quibble I have with the above is with the "could not have happened by chance" statement; it would be more accurate to say "is very unlikely to have happened by chance." The alpha value is chosen somewhat arbitrarily. In educational research, it's most often 5%, meaning that (on average) one in twenty times you say "the results are unlikely to be due to random chance," you're wrong and the results are due to random chance. Medical research typically sets the bar higher, with an alpha value of 0.5% or even 0.05%, meaning that your likelihood of identifying random results as meaningful is only 1 in 200, or 1 in 2000, respectively.
Still, the article above stands out as one of the nicest bits of science/health reporting I've seen in a while, in terms of allowing the interested reader to see the structure and meaning of the research.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Leaving the Light On For You

For maximum McSparseness, we look westward, towards the deepest, darkest holes in our map: the barren deserts of central Nevada, the arid hills of southeastern Oregon, the rugged wilderness of Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains, and the conspicuous well of blackness on the high plains of northwestern South Dakota. There, in a patch of rolling grassland, loosely hemmed in by Bismarck, Dickinson, Pierre, and the greater Rapid City-Spearfish-Sturgis metropolitan area, we find our answer.From Weather Sealed; now you know. If your life depends on McD's, there are some places in the lower 48 you want to avoid. Click the pic to view the Golden Arches Glow at maximum intensity.
Between the tiny Dakotan hamlets of Meadow and Glad Valley lies the McFarthest Spot: 107 miles distant from the nearest McDonald’s, as the crow flies, and 145 miles by car!
Smokey Skies
From OregonLive about an hour ago,
On Tuesday, the Boze fire grew by 3,000 acres, pushed along by ridgetop winds. Officials said the fire had reached 6,470 acres while containment dropped to 20 per cent due to the increase in size.So we're talking 10 square miles; I'm not sure where the break falls technically, but I would now say we're talking Big Fire. The only fire I had read about yesterday was the Tumblebug complex, but there was another, discussed in the above excerpt, the Boze. Below is a picture from the same article of the Tumblebug complex.
The hot, dry weather is expected again today with fire growth likely to continue and firefighters are preparing for days of extreme fire behavior. Temperatures that soared into the 100s earlier this week contributed to the intensity of fires that threatened homes in Ashland and Medford and prompted Gov. Ted Kulongoski to issue a conflagration act on Monday.

Wayne Hunnicut/ A massive smoke plume erupts off the Tumblebug Complex of fires 24 miles east of Oakridge Tuesday. The fire grew by 3,000 acres, pushed along by upslope winds, low humidity, high temperatures and dry fuels.
Red Dawn

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A fire warning is in effect for many areas in the Cascades as dry conditions combined with high winds have crews on alert. Any blaze that starts in the mountains could quickly blow up into a major fire under the current conditions, according to fire officials.But I hadn't seen any news about any large fires that were actually ongoing. A little while ago I stuck my head out the door, and it seemed noticeably worse, so I came in and Googled Oregon Fire. Yeah, there's a pretty bad one.
The likely culprit: Fire officials said the Tumblebug Complex exploded in acreage overnight from 500 acres to more than 2,200 acres.
Markos said she has fielded reports Tuesday morning of smoke and ash in south Eugene along Willamette Street; in Lowell, Ore.; and in downtown Eugene.
"As long as we have really low humidities and the wind speed picks up, that fire is going to get larger and we are going to get smoke in the valley," Markos said.
It seemed to smell a little smokey last time I was out, but I'm not certain. 2200 acres isn't huge for Oregon, but it's substantial. The hot, dry weather and the east winds that are causing it are expected to last through tomorrow, then taper off through Thursday.
Most Oregon wildfires are in the Cascades or the east side, and the prevailing winds are most often from the west, so we don't generally see serious smoke here in the valley. It's ominous, and I don't like it.
Shucks! I Missed the Equinox
As far as I'm concerned though, it's still summer; it's 91 degrees outside, and supposed to be another hot one tomorrow. Yesterday morning it was 39; yesterday afternoon it was 90. A 51 degree diurnal temperature range is sort of weird.
Water Logged

Monday, September 21, 2009
About That Turtle...
"We've gone from 'it could be a turtle' to 'it could be a tortoise' to 'it's one huge rock that's still one of the biggest concretions we've ever seen on the Oregon Coast,'" DiTorrice said.And that's it.
"We're not sure what it is, but it's a hazard," Hanshumaker said.
Part one, part two, part three.
Followup Sept. 22: The Oregonian has a nice little article that, amazingly, gets the science pretty much right! The headline is pretty much FAIL, though.
New Record?

Followup, 5:15: Current temp is only (only) 90 degrees; it's unlikely to get any warmer. We had brisk winds from the north yesterday, indicating a high from the west was moving in. When a high moves to our east, it can drive desert air over the mountains and into the Willamette valley. The high desert is about 3000 to 5000 feet elevation, so as the air descends into the valley, it compresses and warms up. My suspicion was that this phenomenon was the reason the prediction called for several days of unseasonably and unreasonably hot weather. OregonLive confirms this.
He's Coming to Take You Away, Ha Ha!

I'm not sure if it's an all-at-once sort of thing, or if it proceeds in an orderly manner around the time zones. Since it's already tomorrow in some parts of the world, I'm assuming the latter. I'll keep an eye out to the east from time to time, and report here if I see clouds of people rising into the sky. I'm also looking forward to checking out the website tomorrow and finding out if Gabriel also raptured the godly parts of the innertubz.
If I follow the storyline accurately (and I'm not sure I do, or even can), we now get seven years to make a start on cleaning up all the messes that mindless adherence to bronze-age religions has created.

An Eggistential Question

Ballroom Blitz
However, I'm deeply amused by Fox News' howling indignation that they were snubbed. They don't seem to understand that there is no reason for a president to waste his time discussing adult issues with a "news" network, which treats childish fantasies, lies and false gossip as newsworthy, with the same respect accorded to other networks... and plenty of reasons he shouldn't.
Mr. Obama declined to discuss his proposals on the one outlet guaranteed to find fault (or change the topic to the Acorn scandal). And that made his star turn look less like a media blitz than Medici vengeance — Fox did not broadcast Mr. Obama’s health care speech to Congress on Sept. 9, so Mr. Obama did not speak to “Fox News Sunday.”(...)
Apparently, the feeling is mutual. “We figured Fox would rather show ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ than broadcast an honest discussion about health insurance reform,” a White House deputy press secretary told ABC News on Saturday. “Fox is an ideological outlet where the president has been interviewed before and will likely be interviewed again; not that the whining particularly strengthens their case for participation any time soon.”From the NYT.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday Funnies

see more Political Pictures

see more Lol Celebs
Yes, This Sounds Familiar
I suppose I need to watch it again, and count just how many times the "Wilhelm Scream" is repeated in this clip. I suppose every time I watch a movie, particularly an action film, from now on, I'll be alert for this sound clip.
- Petrichor
- Elflock
- Nidor
- Salmagundi
- Scree
- Don Juanism
- Tenesmus
- Podsnap
- Hibernaculum
- Muliebrity