But I'm making plans for Talk Like an Internet Geek Day. RAM! Streaming! Megaflops and petabytes! Yay! (Noise to Signal)
Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop.
"The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity."Harlan Ellison, from The Quotations Page.
How many right-wing conservatives does it take to change a light bulb? They don't do change. They would rather stay in the dark.Richard White, Northwest Portland, in OregonLive's Short Takes feature.
If you get in a fight with an atheist, expect to get punched in the faith.Duhism.
Margaret, I haven’t laughed so hard since Katie Couric interviewed Sarah Palin. A few thousand white folks called in sick to work last week so they could parade around the nation’s capital on Saturday and Fox News declares a revolution is underway. My goodness. I don’t know which is more sad – the fact that they couldn’t spell half the words written on their illegible signs or that they all left their white hoods at home. Bring the hippies back. Their protests were much more entertaining.Helen Philpot at Margaret and Helen.
What remains to be discovered for future earth scientists what we (still) don't know about earth? What are the geological riddles that still lack answer - all questions are allowed - it could be a local anomaly, or a global phenomena, or something strange...(Naturally you can also include a possible answer to your problem).There are so many unanswered questions... Can we learn to accurately predict earthquakes? Is that even possible? Likewise for volcanic eruptions. Are there practical and more sustainable energy sources than fossil carbon compounds? Methane Hydrates? Geothermal? How did plate tectonism become established as the dominant force in Earth's dynamics? How did life become established on this planet?
The International Monetary Fund has approved a sale of 403 metric tonnes of gold reserves, in a move likely to raise $13bn (£8bn) of cash to replenish its coffers for lending to low-income countries hit by the global economic downturn.This article started me considering the stunning density of gold. Water has a density of 1 tonne per cubic meter. If we wanted to put 403 tonnes of water in one place, you would need a container that held 403 cubic meters. With a little rounding, that would be a pool 30 feet wide, 60 feet long and 6 feet deep. Gold has a density of 19.3 tonnes per cubic meter. So 20.9 cubic meters would have a mass of 403 tonnes.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly 45,000 people die in the United States each year -- one every 12 minutes -- in large part because they lack health insurance and can not get good care, Harvard Medical School researchers found in an analysis released on Thursday.But what I haven't seen is an explanation of why this is double the estimate of 22,000 annual excess deaths that has been sort of the standard number that gets quoted.
Studies estimate that the number of excess deaths among uninsured adults age 25-64 is in the range of 22,000 a year.I'll keep looking. I've felt that, at a gut level, the latter number seemed low, but I would still like to understand why the former number should be accepted as accurate.
The National Center for Policy Analysis, a Washington think tank that backs a free-market approach to health care, said researchers overstated the death risk and did not track how long subjects were uninsured.Uh... unless you're "lucky" enough to be 65 or older, the "free-market approach" is exactly what's killing either 23,000 or 45, 000 people per year.
What would this nation do if some foreign power killed 45,000 people in this country in a single year? What should we do to the insurance industry?
"Ignorance is not merely the lack of knowledge, but self-destructive turning away from truth in all areas of life. Persons develop a taste for ignorance, the predisposition to embrace erroneous beliefs based on presumption or mere authority. The ignorant person believes he knows what he actually doesn't know. He becomes delusional. He is deranged." So declared Plato, unwittingly describing the face of 21st-century American conservatism in the age of Obama.Liars in America.
Prison officers described how, after about an hour of hunting for a suitable vein, Broom helped them by turning on to his side, by moving rubber tubing along his arm and by flexing his hand and muscles. At one point, technicians found what appeared to be a suitable vein but it collapsed as they inserted a needle, apparently because of past drug use.Whether Broom actually committed the crime, I can't know. But it doesn't matter: no one should have to endure two hours of being jabbed with a needle, nor be expected to assist his would-be executioners.
Broom, who was convicted of kidnapping, raping and killing 14-year-old Tryna Middleton, became so distressed that he lay on his back and covered his face with both hands. One of the execution team handed him a toilet roll to wipe away tears.
“There are honest and principled differences among all of us working for reform,” he said at another point. “And this package may not represent all of our first choices.”Yep. That's right: Honestly and in principle, the republicans want to make sure that the American people continue to face excess deaths equivalent to a 9/11 every month and a half because they can't afford health care. In principle, the republicans honestly see no reason that the insurance companies and big pharma shouldn't continue to profit from the trickle-down, torrent-up model of business we worship in this country. Honestly, the republicans think that principles of high finance demand that the bankrupting of families should continue; if they can't afford to deal with their health costs it's their own fault. They should have thought about the consequences before they got sick or injured.
Asked if he were disappointed by the lack of support from Republicans, Mr. Baucus acknowledged that “no Republican has offered his or her support at this moment.”I have become heartily sick of the old chestnut that goes (with variations) "if even one life was saved, it was worth any effort." That sentiment is asinine to begin with (how many lives might have been saved if that effort was directed elsewhere?); the fact that I come across it daily has rendered it so trite that it now angers me.
To determine whether the 2-by-3-foot domed rock was a fossil, the three scientists looked for sutures, which are lines where the bones knitted together. "If these are sutures, they would have to be fractured because there are way too many," Hanshumaker said....and some of which is awful:
Concretion is organic matter that decomposed differently from surrounding material, making the dirt harder. DiTorrice said, "This type of fossil is not normal for this rock formation, so it has significance just by its size and shape."From the Wiki entry on concretions- composition (Note that it is not clear in the following passage that they are talking about the cementing mineral; most of the bulk of a concretion is composed of the sediment in which it formed):
They are commonly composed of a carbonate mineral such as calcite; an amorphous or microcrystalline form of silica such as chert, flint, or jasper; or an iron oxide or hydroxide such as goethite and hematite. They can also be composed of other minerals that include dolomite, ankerite, siderite, pyrite, marcasite, barite and gypsum.From the Wiki entry on concretions- appearance:
Although concretions often consist of a single dominant mineral, other minerals can be present depending on the environmental conditions which created them. For example, carbonate concretions, which form in response to the reduction of sulfates by bacteria, often contain minor percentages of pyrite. Other concretions, which formed as a result of microbial sulfate reduction, consist of a mixture of calcite, barite, and pyrite.
Concretions vary in shape, hardness and size, ranging from objects that require a magnifying lens to be clearly visible to huge bodies three meters in diameter and weighing several thousand pounds. The giant, red concretions occurring in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, in North Dakota, are almost 3 m (10 ft) in diameter. Spheroidal concretions, as large as 9 m (30 ft) in diameter, have been found eroding out of the Qasr El Sagha Formation within the Faiyum depression of Egypt. Concretions are usually similar in color to the rock in which they are found. Concretions occur in a wide variety of shapes, including spheres, disks, tubes, and grape-like or soap bubble-like aggregates.I'm willing to bet at this point that it's a concretion, not a "fossil" per se. It may or may not contain a fossil, and it's of interest, whatever it is, but I think it's unlikely to be a turtle. Nor should the object as a whole be referred to as "a fossil." Previous posts here and here.
Europeans keep asking me, has America lost its mind? From healthcare to its economy, the US is looking merely average.Merely Average? I think not! We are so far below average on so many counts that we have our own category: we're a Zeroeth World Nation. That's even better than a first world nation! Ha! So there, all you merely "developed" countries. We've gotten over that whole obsession with development and human rights. The democracy is dead! Long Live the Corporatocracy!
“(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States,” Land states in his order. “Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is ‘an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, [and] an unqualified imposter.’”Land has also warned Taitz of sanctions if she ever brings such a frivolous case to his court again. Will that shut her (and her crowd) up? I doubt it. But of more concern to me is, will this shut down the MSM's coverage giving the birthers' credibility? On that one, I'm less certain. One can only hope.
The symptoms included giddiness, dizziness, mood changes, dry mouth...Yeah, it's exactly what you think. It's really not funny, if you try to put yourself in their place, but there's still a part of me that wants to giggle.
Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.