And speaking of early, yesterday I posted a vidclip of the Boomtown Rats song, "I Don't Like Mondays..."

Oswald Bastable said...Here's another example.
I don't like Mondays, either.
Kathleen Fisher said...
My favourite posts are the ones that make me gasp in horror at your audacity first, then uncontrollably giggle for the rest of the day!

I'm not sure if "Amy Winehouse" has become an innuendo for anything, but if so, it's probably not sexual.

see more Lol Celebs
Of course, these kinds of suggestive jokes do on occasion actually lead to sex... which as I've discussed in a previous edition is viewed differently by different people. But fundamentally, the reason we enjoy it, the reason many see it as "recreation," is that it is a necessary biological drive. Consider that word in the previous sentence: re-creation. So it would be valid to conclude that the above funnies could potentially lead to marriage... (From Criggo)

...and babies.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net. Another recent funny find; like so many of the web comics I follow, Cyanide & Happiness often goes right over my head, but the times it tickles my funny bone more than make up for the time I spend scratching my head.

Babies require an enormous amount of care, attention. There's potty training...

You need to train kids in the social niceties of dealing with others...
... and to be accepting of the differences between us. (From Pictures for Sad Children)

Children need to be exposed to experiences that are not part of their everyday world; so few these days have had a chance to see and touch farm animals. (From Criggo, of course)

...and help them understand how to use the framework of those beliefs to make wise and ethical decisions.

They need to understand that others may hold different beliefs, and come to their own decisions in different ways.

see more Lol Celebs
There's so much they need to learn! As they get older, they need to learn how to make wise nutritional choices...

...arts and crafts...

see more Lol Celebs
...they need to learn about economics and money...

...how to gracefully acknowledge when they've made a mistake...

... and the basic academic subjects. Educational programming can help with many subjects, including science. For example, physics is regularly discussed in children's science programming,
as is biology and nature.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Pop culture is important too; kids need to have interests they can share with their friends and others.

Hobbies can help a youngster learn all sorts of things: academic subjects, patience and persistence, ingenuity. For example, electronics is a great hobby for science- and mechanically-inclined children. They can also learn important life lessons about subjects such as personal health and safety as they engage in a hobby.

As they mature, children must learn to help with household chores...

see more dog and puppy pictures
...and how to cope appropriately with strong emotions and negative feelings.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Bringing a pet into the household can help a child learn how to care for and nurture others, and to place other's needs before the child's wants.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
As they grow older, they should start developing an interest outside the sphere of their family and their town. International news and political realtions can open their eyes to the amazing diversity of our world.

see more Political Pictures

see more Political Pictures
Critical thinking skills, such as the ability to rationally weigh evidence, and developing confidence in answering difficult questions, is crucial, but can be frustrating. Sadly, many never do develop such skills, and their lives are poorer as a result.

see more Political Pictures

see more Political Pictures
And of course, all too soon, they do grow up, and develop an interest in "adult" topics...
Which brings us full circle, doesn't it? Just as you did, your children will do silly things their parents wish they hadn't.

see more Political Pictures
But if you've done your job half way decently, they'll have a good understanding of the most important fact of life there is: There are a lot of clowns in the world...

see more Funny Graphs
...but you can learn how to deal with them.

see more Political Pictures
But if you've done your job half way decently, they'll have a good understanding of the most important fact of life there is: There are a lot of clowns in the world...

see more Funny Graphs
...but you can learn how to deal with them.
Speaking of clowns, have a good week at work; I'll see you in the funnies!
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