Is This Your Hat?
10 years ago
Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop.
"Chuckie" Taylor, the son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor has beenOK, so now I'm waiting on news regarding "Georgie," the son of former US president...
sentenced by a US court to 97 years in prison for committing torture.
A Liberian minister told the BBC the verdict sent a message that nobody -
regardless of how powerful they were - could get away with unspeakable
Now New York artist Phil Buehler, who describes himself as "a big fan of StanleyBuehler limited himself to formatting that could be created with a typewriter- none of the graphic tricks that a writer/artist can pull off with computers. Predictably, at a certain point he was having a hard time coming up with novel formats for additional pages. He got to about page 60, out of an intended 80, and ran into writer's block (layout block?).
Kubrick and Stephen King", has self-published a book credited to Torrance,
repeating the phrase throughout but formatting each page differently, using the
words to create different shapes from zigzags to spirals.
"I hit writer's block about 60 pages in, and I had to get to 80 - that went onIf I had been that poor woman, I'd have been out the door, out of the city, and out of the country in flash, screaming like a banshee.
for about a week." His fiancée, who had neither read the book nor seen the film,
became a little concerned about his actions. "I finally showed her the movie,
and she realised I wasn't really losing it," said Buehler.
Italy did for retirement financing what President George W. Bush couldn’t do inI remember gleefully explaining to a grad student in science ed (where I was an instructor) four years ago that Bush's statement, that he'd earned political capitol and intended to spend it on "individual retirement accounts" to replace Social Security, was essentially going to destroy his second term. His desire and attempts to undermine SS basically did trash his second term (though the Terri Schiavo Fiasco later on certainly pounded a few more nails into his coffin, and the ongoing fiasco in Iraq didn't help matters).
the U.S.: It privatized part of its social security system. The timing couldn’t
have been worse.
And as long as I'm on the subject, a friendly "Thanks!" to the folks who follow my blog; I'm pleased and honored. Please understand that you have provided me with many hours of entertainment and education... and what more could one ask of the blogosphere?
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Dr Monkey Von Monkerstein
Silver Fox
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Lost Geologist
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