I'll go ahead and pick up the ball for the next Accretionary Wedge, and after thinking about it for a bit, the topic I settled on is "What is the most important geological experience you've had?" The key word there is "important," and the real task is going to be figuring out what that means for you. It may (or may not) be something that led you to the discipline (Note that August 2009's AW was "Inspiration," what inspired us to get into geology, and this isn't really intended to be a repeat of that, though for some, it might be.), or a class, or a work experience, or a field experience. It might have been a puzzle or problem solved, or job landed, a degree completed. Perhaps it was something else entirely. It could have been an awful, disastrous experience from which you learned an important lesson. Maybe it's still in your future- something you're looking forward to. Additionally, explain why it was important. Was it something you'd recommend to others?
I'd like to get this up by the end of the month, which I think falls on a Thursday. So let's aim at getting submissions by Monday, Sept. 27- though as usual, late submissions will likely get picked up and rolled in at some point. Have fun, and I hope to hear from you. Leave links to posts either here or at The Accretionary Wedge, where this was originally posted.
And of course, if you have an idea for a wedge and/or would like to host, October and later are open for volunteers!