Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Enron Canary
The US press has done an adequate job of explaining the mess, though as I've commented earlier, I have seen no one explicating why the number is 700 billion rather than 600 or 800 billion dollars. My sense is this is the first plane load of fire retardant to be dropped, not the plane load. And the pork larded into the bill that passed angered me. However, if you are relying on one news source, or god help you, if you're relying on television news, this must make no sense at all.
There are many people who pay closer attention to news than me, and who understand the background of topics like economics, international relations, politics and so on better than I do. But when Caribou Barbie can't name a single news source she reads, and then later claims, oh what I meant to say was The Times, the Wall Street Journal, and The Economist, I throw up... my hands, I mean. My hands. I read The Times, too. And the Economist. And the Guardian, and The Telegraph, and der Spiegel, the Corvallis Gazette-Times (hurts to admit that one), The Oregonian, The Washington Post, The LA Times and (sometimes) the Globe and Mail. And that's just off the top of my head. If I were to go through my e-mail and my feeds, I expect that list would easily double.
People, this stuff is free. The few seconds your eyes skim over advertising pays for your access to nearly endless news. Turn off the goddamn tube. I'll bet Palin could name a dozen TV shows she watches.
And to get back to my starting point, many of the best news sources for US news are not from the US. They're from England (The Guardian, The Telegraph, The BBC), Germany (Der Spiegel) and Canada (The Globe and Mail).
Turn off the idiot box. Explore your world. Read.
Friday, October 3, 2008
How to debate...

From here, click over for full size.
As I said yesterday, I did watch the debate. I felt Palin did a fairly good job of remaining coherent: she actually spoke in fairly well-constructed English sentences, rather than projectile vomiting fragments of anything crossing her mind that had any chance of being related to the topic at hand. I should back up for a moment and clarify that, after watching excerpts of her interview with Katie Couric, I told a number of coffee drinkers that Palin reminded me of nothing so much as a student who skipped class all term long, spent 48 hours prior to the final cramming, OD'ing on caffeine, and not sleeping. Then upon showing up for a blue book exam, spent two hours projectile vomiting onto the pages, gagging up every key word vaguely remembered from all the cramming. No effort for coherence- that simply didn't exist. No effort toward actually answering questions, or demonstrating understanding. Just spitting out words and phrases that might, just might, have any relevance whatsoever. It is very obvious when a student has done this, and it was obvious when Palin did it.
So at any rate, I was hoping she didn't pull that kind of performance again; no one deserves that kind of humiliation in front of a live audience and a television viewership of millions. I thought her answers were pat, emphasizing the hockey mom/Joe six-pack mentality, and predictable talking points, over substance of any kind. I thought Biden's responses were indicative of much more comprehension and background. But I'm biased- I'll freely admit that. And since I really resent the talking heads telling me what I think about news, I turned off the tube immediately after the closing remarks.
So I was surprised and more than a little pleased earlier today, when I jumped into the webscape, to find that most polls and news sources agreed with my assessment: Palin gave a respectable performance, but Biden clearly had more meat.
So when is the next debate between McCain and Obama? I should watch at least one of them.
Live Pilot
Yep! It works!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Only, You Know, If You, Like, Care About Something
Draw me a Picture
It just occurred to me that I found a good, funny example earlier...

One of the typical components of grammar was learning to diagram sentences. For those around my age, I'm picturing your eyes rolling, and a vague groan of "Oh wow... I forgot about that." For those younger, it was a really obnoxious exercise in, essentially, converting sentences into little maps. People other than English teachers see no redeeming characteristics to this activity. You can learn a little from this Wikipedia entry, and from following the additional links there.
In a piece yesterday at Slate, Kitty Burns Florey does a hilarious job of attempting to diagram some sentences from a particular GOP VP candidate, in Diagramming Sarah. Again, for the younger generation, this might not make much sense. For people around my age, the idea of a grammarian throwing up their hands and saying,
I had to give up. This sentence is not for diagramming lightweights. If
there's anyone out there who can kick this sucker into line, I'd be delighted to
hear from you. To me, it's not English—it's a collection of words strung
together to elicit a reaction, floating ands and prepositional phrases ("with
that vote of the American people") be damned. It requires not a diagram but a
selection of push buttons.
is pretty funny.
So why bother watching, if my mind is made up, and I don't expect to learn anything substantive about either candidate's positions and outlook? Exactly my point.
Unless, as I said to another coffee drinker a bit ago, it's like a car race. I couldn't care less about the outcome, but there might be a really cool crash...
Sick, sick, sick.
Welcome to American politics.
Followup: Matty Boy at Lotsa 'Splainin 2 Do points out that The Venerable and Much Missed Molly Ivins deserves credit for the car race metaphor I used above. "The late Molly Ivins is given the credit for the great line: 'Debates are like stock car races - nobody really cares who wins; they just come to see the crashes.'" I really don't mind giving credit where it's due. Especially if I can concede said credit to Molly. I've read a great deal of her stuff, and while I honestly did think I had come up with the idea myself, I don't doubt for a second that some poorly-lit corner of my mind was giggling as it recalled this.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lotsa Part II
One way to internalize the meanings of "lotsa" of various magnitudes is to convert the numbers to something you can visualize- even if it's an absurd representation, the process of picturing what 700 billion dollars means can help one come to some comprehension of it. That is not to say you really understand it in human terms, but you have some abstract way to relate to it. I cannot in a meaningful way grasp the magnitude of 4.6 billion years, but I can relate it to other periods of time that are meaningful to me. For example, there are approximately 31.5 million seconds in a year. So if I could live one second for every year the earth has existed, I would survive about 146 years. All of human history (the last 10,000 years) would pass in the last 2 hours and 47 minutes of my life. I could make some snarky comment about those not being the most pleasant three hours of my 146-year life, but I won't.
So to get back to the idea of 700 billion dollars, I had been toying with the idea of converting that into some sort of physical imagery, as the author of the original article on a billion McDonald's hamburgers had done. But someone beat me to it. See here and here.
Some examples:
- Laid end to end (as dollar bills) $700 billion would "Stretch from the Earth to Venus (the next closest planet at approximately 25,476,219 miles from Earth at its closest approach) over two and a half (2.66) times."
- The weight as dollar bills would be "Slightly less than eight (8) Nimitz class aircraft carriers (each one is approximately 97,000 tons)."
- The area covered by that amount would be "Almost twice (1.81) the total area of Rhode Island (1,545 square miles)."
- $700 billion would have a volume "Almost three quarters (0.71) the size of the Hoover Dam (39,240,000 cubic feet)."
I am not against the bailout plan; it will almost certainly be necessary to stave off much worse consequences. I'll even go so far as to say that I feel like I more or less understand the causes of the situation. But I have no freaking idea where this 700 billion number came from. As a person who has a symbolic sort of understanding what a ginormous version of "lotsa" that number is, that makes me very, very uncomfortable. I mean, we're throwing 8 Nimitz-class carriers at the problem. Why not seven? Or nine?
Mercury Flyby 2
I have done a few posts on Mercury (Click on the "Mercury" Label, or here). Here's the thing that engaged me even before new data started coming in: Mercury is pretty small, a bit larger than our moon. Yet it has a proportionally enormous iron core (the moon has no significant core, which is a good topic for another post). Because from Earth, Mercury is always close to the sun, it's very difficult to observe with traditional telescopes- and even when it's at its greatest angular distance from the sun, only a small crescent is illuminated from our perspective. In addition, through the oddities of orbital dynamics, it's much more difficult to get a probe to than one might first assume. So even though it's one of the closer planets, we know very little about Mercury.
And as I've tried to explain numerous times before, stuff we don't know is very, very appealing to me.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Window on the World

And photographs like this are just plain awesome, even if I can't witness them directly.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
LHC Status
First, a quick site to check on the question, "Has the large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World Yet?"
Second, if you're worried, you might want to follow a live webcam stationed at the LHC. Actually, if you're worried, you might not want to follow this one.
Fey Humor
From Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic. I'm not getting the video clip, so you may need to go over to the source site to watch- well worth it!
World-Wide Vote
If only it counted...
Another similar site I found a while back is called This one simply tallies the total votes, though the results are broken down by country. The results there are surprisingly similar to The Economist's:
Barack Obama 86.2% (64720 votes)
John McCain 13.8% (10348 votes)
Total number of votes: 75069 Countries voted from: 162
When I first saw these results, I assumed there was a heavy self-selection bias. The Economist's results may also be the result of self-selection, but their site is limited to subscribers and those who have registered. While the Economist is fairly centrist overall, I know that both liberal and conservative bloggers in the US consider it owned and operated by the other side- as they do the New York Times.
So what do these results mean? I suspect we're seeing a very real revulsion toward Bush-style internationalism: "Just do what we say, and no one gets hurt." Along with a growing recognition that McCain's ignorance and bellicosity indicates similar behavior if he was to become president. On the other hand, both of these polls show the US results in the range of 80%-20% Obama, a very poor match to the reality.