Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Coming Ice Age

As you all know, global warming is the greatest hoax empiracism has ever perpetrated. You can see from the latest data and analysis from NSIDC that we're clearly headed into a new ice age. Bust out the woolies and fire up the coal furnace: it's going to be a cold one! (I've added a red trend line to highlight the seriousness of the problem; the original graph can be seen in the previous link or here.)


Dean Wormer said...

It kind of looks like you're twisting that a bit from the graph. Not trying to offend...

Lockwood said...

I absolutely Guarantee some of the wingnuts will use this sort of argument with respect to the data; they do it every time some result comes out showing that there's some past data point that worse than the most recent... the idea of "long-term" trends is beyond them.

Which is one reason they're so dangerous.