Nevertheless, I'm no more immune to being affected by it than anybody else, and I frequently encouter examples that engage me at one level or another: fascinating imagery, emotional tugs, and humor are among triggers that get my attention. All three of those are present in abundance in a gallery of 27 environmental advertisements posted at BBC. The above is titled "Tarzan," with the tagline "15m sq of rainforest disappears every minute." My main complaint is that they don't have large, readable versions available.
My other complaint is that it's still advertising; in the end, it's still promoting belief without any basis in knowledge and understanding. And in the end, if we're going to cope with the problems facing us, it will only come out of knowledge and understanding. It will not come out of simple belief, however well-intentioned and benevolent that belief may be.
1 comment:
As a Tarzan fan that is a powerful image.
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