Don't tell McCain and Jindal, but we're falling behind in the field of Whoopee Cushion Technology. At least the Brits are allies... but for how long? Can we afford a Whoopee Gap?
Is This Your Hat?
10 years ago
Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop.
At first I was going to recommend Leslie Neilson as the a celebrity tutor, but then I recalled that he is actually a Canadian. (Perhaps it's the Poutine.)
In any case, although we may be falling behind in actual biochemical production, and our whoopee cushion industry is deflated, there is one place we shine.
Our access to online flatulence sound effects are in great shape.
See what I mean:
As I understand it the technology the Rosenbergs gave the Ruskies and the reason they were ultimately executed for treason was whoopee cushion related.
Wee Mousie- GW Bush jokes aside (my Canadian brother-in-law hadn't heard that story, and LOVED it!), poot-ine? HA!
Dean- I've always had the impression that the Rosenbergs were framed and railroaded, though oddly enough, I don't know WHY I've had that impression. I do know that some of the recent security concerns at the National Labs have been over the top secret digital supercomputer fart simulations. Wen Ho Lee merely had access to nuclear information, which is why he was finally found innocent of serious violations of National Flatulence Regulations.
Ohh that was a wet one! A long long wet one!
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