Here's a new comic I just came across:
The Oatmeal. The strip I came in on is called "
17 Things Worth Knowing About Your Cat." BTW, the first picture may look familiar; it's the same kitteh that was in the "
Is Your Cat Plotting to Kill You?" quiz that went viral a year ago, though I'm not seeing that quiz on
The Oatmeal's Quiz Page.

The next one I read was "
15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee."

And here's one more from: "
7 Reasons to Keep Your Tyrannosaurus Rex Off Crack Cocaine."

I can't vouch for the accuracy of the comics that appear to be factual- they may or may not be. But I guarantee that a coked-up T. rex would not, in fact, be able to sit through a long movie.
Ironically (or not, depending upon your point of view), the unicorn in the last "coffee" panel looks an awful lot like Maddy's "no hard feelin's" unicorn prominently displayed on my favorite coffee shop's microwave oven...
Cracked up on T. Rex
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