Wee Mousie: Tardradr is a form of extra sensory perception that tell you when you are dealing with a retard.
Darius Whiteplume: I used to have a 'tard radar set, but the Wasila hill-billy burned out the circuits
Tengrain: When you are playing pocket pool, it is a game of Pance.
Mr. Wayne: I honestly though pance was when you put on a dance for your significant other just before bed without any pants on.
Silver Fox: Frishing obviously has something to do with fishing: it's when you fish on friday.
My own contributions for the week:
Reado is the brand name for a style of skin-tight leisure wear for when you want to lay out at the beach with a good book. Caution: if you weigh more than Kate Moss, they will make you look either disgusting or ridiculous, or both.
Layareat: Stratified food or when all the shelves in your refrigerator collapse to the bottom.

I would have to say smogishi is a Japanese rubbersuit monster. Likely a foe of Ultraman or Gamera.
To singl is to make a phoney cough when one starts singing at the wrong time in a large group.
You tiest to see which looks best, when you drape two ties over your shoulder to see which ons matches.
An ionter is a blow which either adds or subtracts from the object hit. In a molecule, this is usually an electron lost or added, and with a person, it is often a tooth lost or a lump gained.
Smogishi is that fishy smelling steam that escapes when one is cooking fish.
To be frovilid, is to suffer from a malady that makes one wish to move out or away.
"Singl" is somebody without a significant other that never completes anything.
I vote for The Dean on singl.
Frovilid is some combination of mixed-up emotions, like when a livid person is, nonetheless, froclicking through the park.
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