Last week started cold: daytime highs in the low to mid 40's, and Tuesday night (if I remember correctly) lows were forecast to reach 23. As the week went on, it slowly warmed. Friday was gorgeous: mid 50's and sunny; even Thursday had been nice- not quite as warm, but still nice.
Then Friday afternoon, I saw an arc around the sun...

This is often (not always, but often) a sign of warm moist air moving in and creating a haze of upper troposphere ice crystals. In the above, we're looking west along Monroe (from the smokers' purgatory at
my favorite coffee shop) and a little south to the north side of the Oregon State University Campus. Below, I zoomed in to get the sundog on the north portion of the arc.

I think it actually comes through better in the first picture. At any rate, "warm moist air moving in" is an opaque way of saying, "wet warm front moving in; prepare thee an arc."
Our weather since Friday night has been... vigorous is a good word. We've had some sun breaks, and I'm always surprised at how quickly the ground dries. But it has been pouring. And blowing. And pouring some more.
I'm not really complaining; as I've said before, I sort of like the rain, and the weekend was warm. We've had a relatively dry winter, and some real rain feels right. With the time change last week, the flowers, and the warmth, it really is starting to feel like spring.
Nice one! Had those two days in a row in Alaska with temps around 20F, and then one about last week near Reno, I think it was.
Silver- I think they're more common than people realize; a lot of people just don't really pay attention to what's around them. I see them pretty frequently myself. Though maybe it's a western thing? I don't remember seeing them back east very often.
I'm so ready for the spring though, Locky. I want to get to vegetable gardening.
That's what I loved about CorVegas when I was there — the weather got nice very fast when springtime rolled around.
Dean- me too. Funny; I had read your comment a couple of times and instead of "so ready," I was seeing "not ready." I was puzzled. Ahh, the joys of getting older...
Tom- I gather your degree was in physics; Happy to see ole Weniger? I was in science ed on the second floor.
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