In case you never realized, George was one messed up guy...

see funny english mistakes
No, this isn't "finally." We're just getting started.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I guess I haven't made it really clear that as much as I like cats, I don't really consider myself "a cat person." Normally that phrase indicates an exclusiveness: "cat people" don't like dogs. I happen to be very fond of dogs too.

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My friend JD says he's got this "Cat Side Story" as his desktop picture:

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I've always known Rowan Atkinson was brilliant, though in fairness, I think Marty Feldman was even more so... and certainly braver.

see more Lol Celebs
And a blogger who is often amusing surpassed herself with a photo taken on a recent trip:

I guess my happiest find this week was My [Confined] Space, but the participants there are posting 40-50 pieces a day. I may drop this; it's a lot to wade through.

And finally, not really pictures, but maps... but the fun is in the narrative... in the Top Ten Confusing Place Names at Google Sightseeing.
And I just realized... no actual comics. Oh well. That's why I call it "Sunday Funnies:" for the flexibility.
Love the newspaper and caption with the lady with the hose!
Dean- I think that's a bottle of champaign, but no matter; either way it's a hysterically bad choice on the part of the editor and photo editor.
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