And his expressions when Obama was speaking were, well, quite memorable.
Followup: The above picture is supposed to be an animated GIF, but it's not posting correctly. Click through on the link below to see what eyebrows should never be asked to do.
From Wonkette, The D.C. Gossip, front page here. Bonus! When I went to get the front page URL, there's more! Didn't catch this Kodak moment. Hope it's not photoshopped, but I'll put in a correction if it is.
From Wonkette, The D.C. Gossip, front page here. Bonus! When I went to get the front page URL, there's more! Didn't catch this Kodak moment. Hope it's not photoshopped, but I'll put in a correction if it is.

And further Bonus! Obama has already taken McCain's best (only?) quip of the whole campaign and turned it against its maker. Lots more McCain expressionism, from this post.
Thanks, Wonkette! Hope you don't mind the shameless borrowing!
And "How's That for a Slice of Fried Gold?" reminds us that Fearless Running Mate also has a scary arsenal of expressions of mass destruction. Update: Yet another addition, from here. Johnny doesn't play well with cameras.
Last update: Anything else I'll put in a new post. Promise. This video puts the above moment in a more understandable context. A little more.
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