In case you hadn't figured it out, you're at Sunday Funnies.
Blackadder Via
BoingBoing Blackadder Blackadder . Remember the old short clip,
Bambi vs. Godzilla ? In the new version, the deer wins:
Blackadder see more
dog and puppy pictures From The Guardian, a series called "
All The President's Emails ." At the link, three other emails to John McCain, Gordon Brown, and Michelle.
More in the series here .
To: Robert Gibbs Subject: Re: Six more major news orgs want your opinion on Tiger Woods But I don't HAVE an opinion on Tiger Woods. It's tiresome how this happens every time a Famous Black Person does something newsworthy — Kanye West, Michael Jackson, on and on. Can we just set up a Microsoft Word template: "The president condemns bad things, strongly supports good things, now let's focus on the future, God Bless America." Something like that. Barack
STFU, Parents With enough hydrogenated vegetable oil and HFCS, we will eat
anything .
Criggo see more
Lolcats and funny pictures Don't Judge My Hair - with a funny comment:
Wasn’t How the Grinch Stole Christmas made for children? Because I certainly don’t remember the part when the Grinch stole Cindy Lou Who’s clothes. Brown Sharpie Welcome to to the USA.
Skull Swap Tree Lobsters Saturday Bulletin see more
Lolcats and funny pictures PartiallyClips Truth is funnier than fiction.
Shoebox Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase your good deeds. But one photo getting out of a limo without your underwear, well… Duhism see more
Funny Graphs Skull Swap . I gotta get me one of them gadgets.
Putting lipstick on a chihuahua is funnier than it sounds.
Pets Who Want to Kill Themselves TYWKIWDBI - Must. See. This. Movie.
see more
Lol Celebs Comic JK The Daily What Non Sequitur see more
dog and puppy pictures Skull Swap Help is available.
Electronic Cerebrectomy . Also too,
from Bizarro Blog ,
...and probably won't use them; socialism and all.
Criggo Criggo xkcd - Incidentally, this movie
has actually been made ; I thought
it was pretty awful .
see more
Lolcats and funny pictures see more
Epic Fails "Rational arguments don't usually work on religious people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be religious people." Doris Egan, from
Quotes of the Day .
Funny, but frighteningly accurate, from The Oatmeal .
T Mouse 1000, via
Great White Snark Shoebox The Saturday Bulletin You can't win.
Shoebox .
Oddly Specific Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Big Fat Whale , via
Eric at Dynamic Earth .
see more
Lol Celebs The atmosphere is condensing in Denver.
Probably Bad News Don't we all...
The Daily What .
Click for bigger, from
TYWKIWDBI , who also links to
Snopes' debunking of the joke.
Natural Parenting...
xkcd see more
Political Pictures Criggo celebrated animal day,
above and
below :
Picture is Unrelated Skull Swap Criggo see more
dog and puppy pictures The Daily What Yay, Science!
Skull Swap see more
Engrish Criggo Wikipedia is having a fund-raiser... it was only a matter of time until some odd juxtaposition occurred.
Probably Bad News Cyanide and Happiness From today's
Sunday Sweets at Cake Wrecks : a gingerbread Tardis and K-9!
Millenium Falcon Bed. There must be a "Leia" joke in this somewhere, but I'm not going to think about it.
The Daily What . Here's another shot from
Skull Swap :
Wonderful as always!
(as an ESL teacher, I'm stealing the wooden plugs one)
Glad you enjoyed them! And please feel free to steal... that's the great thing about the webified world: you can take it, but I still have it!
Best one ever.
Thanks, Dr. Monkey!
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