Interzone hasn't run a weekend breakfast special for a while, but it was worth the wait.

The Yamela Anderson: garnet yams, homefries, butternut squash, pecans, two homemade vegan soysages, mushroom gravy and fresh cranberry sauce.
Unlike our lumpy lady in lettuce, there are no artificial ingredients in this alluring dish. Ramela-yamela-ding-dong! 
Sam is shocked,
shocked, I tell you as she accidentally spies the deliciosity underway in the kitchen...

Justin starts an omelet for another order, just before discovering the floor is slippery enough...

to dance! Which makes Iris crack up, and almost knocks me down.

Iris is suddenly serious as she realizes how much more there is to do, even though it's past 2 PM, and the kitchen ought to be closed.

But get done it does. So here I sit, two hours later, still pleasantly full, from an excellent, seasonal- and very festive-looking- vegetarian meal.

I told Justin, "It needed more cowbell, but other than that, I wouldn't change a thing."

nom, nom, nom!
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