Saturday, November 28, 2009

Delurk Thyself, Spirit in the Shadows!

I'm seeing in various blogs that this weekend all you lurkers- people who visit, but never leave comments- are supposed to leave comments. Hear that? My comment rate is about 1%; for each one hundred visitors (yes, that is tallied, data-logged, and entered into your semi-permanent record), only one leaves a comment. I'm not going to get all fussy about it, but a few more would tickle me... and who knows... I might comment back!

Wouldn't that be special?


pygalgia said...

Hey, you're getting more comments than I am...

splord said...

I'm about 10% of that 1%... or something.

I don't know, I'm sick and can't think clearly.

fatedplace said...

I have less readers, but more comments. That's mostly because my father comments on everything. Those probably shouldn't count. I'm a lurker here (through google reader)...

EcoGeoFemme said...

Your rate is probably even lower than 1% since you likely have lots of readers who rarely visit, like me. I like that you syndicate your entire feed, especially since you post so frequently, so that I have something to read during work breaks without visiting umpteen blogs. Because, really, it's all about me, right? :)

Lockwood said...

I'm on board with the RSS, EGF. I feel kind of guilty that I rarely visit blogs "in person," preferring to have it all in one place in Reader. Unless I want to comment. I have tried to configure my blog as I prefer to see it in others' blogs. Since I use so many pictures, and have so much stuff in my sidebar, I am frequently frustrated at how slowly it loads, and I have always assumed that this blog is much easier to deal with via RSS.

Incidentally, bloggers and sites who send only an abbreviated teaser more often than not don't understand the consequences of an extended introduction. If it doesn't get my attention in some way, I'll skip it. Again, knowing that about my own behavior, I'd rather have people reading my posts and not visiting than simply skipping the posts because I didn't grab their interest quickly enough.

Rockdawg said...

I do enjoy reading and looking at all of your stuff, but I thought you would not want comments from me.