Buy This: Freudian Slippers.
Q: How many Freudians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Two. One to screw in the lightbulb and one to hold the penis. Ladder!

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"That’s Not Traumatizing Or Anything" from There, I Fixed It.

Fixer JimDawg shows off his lyrical prowess,
“to the tune of “Up on the Housetops”:
“Up on the housetop
Deer with no paws
Out stumbles drunken Bubba Claus
Haulin’ presents with the dead
Looks like Tommy wet his bed”
And the refrain:
“Oh God, no!
Who wouldn’t throw
Oh God, no!
Who wouldn’t throw
Up on the housetop
Santa with a gun
Hide me quick!”
I adored the caption that Julia Segal put on the following:
"And I think it’s gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I’m not the
Oh no no no I’m a rocket

Unclear on the concept:
(Note: I work security at a small university. A student approaches my desk.)
Student: “I think someone might have sent me an anthrax letter.”
Me: “Okay, why do you think that?”
Student: “Well I got a letter telling me I might have won some money, but I haven’t entered any contests.”
Me: “Was there any powder in it?”
Student: “No. Just the letter. But it’s suspicious.”
Me: “Companies send those out all the time to market things.”
Student: “I really think it has anthrax.”
Me: “Okay, give it to me.”
Student: “Well, I threw it away in the computer lab.”
Me: “You threw it away in a public trash can?”
Student: “Well yeah, it might have anthrax!”
Not Always Right

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