This is just so wrong...
Skull Swap.
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Funny Graphs
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Lolcats and funny pictures
He finally got to live his dream of swimming with dolphins...
Skull Swap.

Times New Roman... web comics were crap back then.
Luke Surl.
Cyanide and Happiness.

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Lolcats and funny pictures
I Hate my Parents, a recent find. I just realized it's put together by the same person who does the
Skull Swap tumblr feed.

I find your lack of cake disturbing...
No Cats on This Blog.

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Political Pictures
Serious Lulz.

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Lol Celebs
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Lolcats and funny pictures
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

Steven Spielberg's worst nightmare...
Skull Swap.
epic4chan. (now I have 867-5309 running through my head again...)
Misery Loves Sherman.

Evolutionary forces are powerful...
Pavlovian Obesiance.
Skull Swap.
Cyanide and Happiness.
Phydreaux Speaks
My First Dictionary.

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Celeb Look-A-Likes
funny pictures. Via
EB Misfit.
Probably Bad News. This was sent widely around the innernetz after the disaster, but I'm pleased to see it again. 18 times the speed of light is relatively fast.

This group should be called "Hug."
Skull Swap.

CNN Speaks in Tongues!
Probably Bad News.

Also speaking in tongues...
Glenn Beck, however, may not be.
From Criggo.

That Will Buff Out, silly-looking accidents, a recent find. The
next two are from the
same place.

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Fail Blog. OSU starts Fall term three weeks from tomorrow; the kids are starting their shopping already though.
Pareidolia for the godless, from Pharyngula.

And more pareidolia from LOLtheist:
Whatever. Jesus is everywhere, blah, blah, blah. Click over for a very snarky, funny discussion, and a link to an enormous and amazing image of martian fluvial-alluvial geomorphology.
Skull Swap- Awwww!
Skull Swap
Night Deposts
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
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