From here, via Buzzfeed. It's getting hot enough now that some nice cold water is a good alternative, though. Unless there's a hippopotamus in it. Or a dog pretending to be a hippopotamus; then it would be much too dangerous...

see more dog and puppy pictures. And after all that food and drink, this week's emergent theme appears to be body functions. All you middle schoolers are going to love this weeks funnies.

(see more Engrish) ...and if I was to come across that sign, I would definitely take the advice of the following plan:

(see more Fail Blog)
There are other body funtions, of course. For example, boogers...
(From Saturday Bulletin) ...and menstrual cycles, which have recently been shown to be susceptable to mathematical analysis: (XKCD)
Then there are the bodies that function just fine, but underwent some quirky development. This young woman (I assume it's a young woman) seems to have taken it all in stride, with a cheeky sense of humor.
(From bmezine, this post. Front page here, but many posts NSFW; I think the name stands for Body Modification e-zine)
Rather than humor, this kitteh has reacted with rage at being implanted with a terminator eye.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Rather than humor, this kitteh has reacted with rage at being implanted with a terminator eye.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
And this kitteh is shaken by what it has witnessed in today's "funnies" so far.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
...while this ketteh has merely expanded the definition of "black hole." Nothing that enters the box has a chance of escape.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Speaking of black holes, Pictures For Sad Children suggests they may be just wild and crazy parties at an atomic level:
What with budget cuts and all, I imagine many of you are being forced to economize. I hope you are not the one being economized! Have a good week at work, and try to keep in mind that however bad things may get, there's always a high probability they're going to could get much, much worse.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Speaking of black holes, Pictures For Sad Children suggests they may be just wild and crazy parties at an atomic level:

see more Political Pictures
And make sure you keep up to date on all the relevant paperwork!

(see more Lol Celebs)
See you in the funnies!
As usual I love your Sunday Funnies-this one being the Monday edition! There's something for everyone here!
Thanks, Micgar!
the ennui comic had me laughing aloud in public despite severe embarassment...
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