I meant to
post this yesterday, then forgot. But it's too good to allow it to simply fade away:
The group - which campaigned on reformation of copyright and patent law - secured 7.1% of the Swedish vote. The result puts the Pirate Party in fifth place, behind the Social Democrats, Greens, Liberals and the Moderate Party.
So with the
Pirate Party gaining political power, I may have to rethink my attitude toward the Rapture and the Apocalypse. Can the
Flying Spaghetti Monster (may you be
touched by His
Noodley Appendage) be far off?
Go pirate party.
Speaking of the FSM- I want to win the lottery just so I can thank him and pirates.
That 23 SD kid that won the 220 million dollar powerball a couple of weeks ago thanked god. Really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm pretty sure that if there is a god there would be a lot of people more deserving.
Guess I missed the powerball story. But I agree, the practice of attributing random events to god is one of the (many) factors that drives me away from religion.
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