Monday, November 17, 2008

Math and Logic

In a recent post, Confusion in the Bible Belt, I posted what I think is the funniest pie chart I've ever seen. Dean Wormer commented that his favorite was one that compared "Pie I have Eaten" to "Pie I have not yet eaten." As it happens, BuzzFeed posted that chart today; other similar examples in comments at the link.Not only is it funny, I think it might provide a good tool to help younger students understand the idea of a pie chart. The same site (which, yes, I have been spending waaay too much time with) also published a proof yesterday that circular reason works:For those who enjoy a good op-ed cartoon, there is an example in the comments using this logic to explain our policy regarding Iraq.

1 comment:

Dean Wormer said...

Thanks for the link.

I love that chart.

Althought the inductive reasoning one is none to shabby.