Saturday, November 15, 2008

One is Science Fiction...

and one isn't. From Dark Roasted Blend. Full-size here.
It's the one above, right? Nope. That is Anara Tower, apparently planned for construction in Dubai. More pictures and information here and here. The wind turbine at the top is supposed to supply some of the building's electricity, and overall the building is supposed to be almost self-sufficient. Oh and that weird little blimpy-looking thing at the middle of the turbine? At 700 meters off the ground, it's a restaurant. Architecture and design by Atkins Global; skimming over their site, I'm not seeing links to this or other incredible projects, but wow.

No the science fiction is below: detailed picture of various light sabres in the Star Wars Epic. Full-size here.

Followup: I've been meaning to pass this item along for a while, and this is an appropriate post in which to do it. Ridley Scott, Director of Bladerunner, has been tagged to do what looks to be the next epic Fail: Monopoly, The Movie, with an eye toward giving it a futuristic sheen along the lines of his iconic “Blade Runner.” If you've seen Blade Runner, remember Rutger Hauer's closing speech, then go read this fellow's take. If you haven't, he helpfully included a YouTube clip. I consider Blade Runner to be the greatest SF Movie I've ever seen, but how could Ridley Scott take on a commercialization of a game? Bleah.

1 comment:

Dean Wormer said...

Scott also did Alien.

A great director reduced to Monopoly.
