Over the past couple of months I've been accumlating the occasional imagery that I would like to offer to the RNC as they prepare for
their big week. When you're through looking these over, I invite you to scroll down a couple of posts and look at the hurricane pictures; they may want to figure out some way to spin Gustav in their favor (heh). For example, if McCain gets his tax plan passed,
everyone will earn more than 5 million dollars a year, and will own seven houses. So no one will need to evacuate; they'll just go on vacation.
So first, here's McCain's response to Obama and his audacity:

Then there's the official RNC seal for the convention. You didn't really think they'd be all critical of Barack, and not try to pirate his idea now, did you?

This one has been out there on the intertubes for a while. McCain's crew has been very savvy about courting the lumpy, wrinkly white male gazillionaire demographic, 'cause it'd be a shame if 50 percent of the potential campaign donations, from the 0.1 percent of voters who fit that profile, went uncollected due to misunderstanding the role of technology these days. There's a parallel ad series reassuring those same folks that McCain is familiar with all button conventions, and has no intention of switching America's nucyooler deterent over to a mouse. He knows how to use the button. And that was good enough when he was a POW; it's plenty good now.

The RNC is bending over forward to make the Porcelain Stall Republicans welcome. The Log Cabin Republicans, not so much.

And finally the good folks at the Daily Show (despite what I said earlier, I love this show; it's the
medium that exasperates me to distraction) have all chipped in to make all the conventioneers feel right at home.

And can anyone explain to me just how they came to choose Minnesota?
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