"Hilladriel" Balloon Juice
Name and face changed to protect the ding-a-ling.
Everyday Sexism
Tastefully Offensive
Sober in a Nightclub
Tastefully Offensive
This is truth, and we didn't get enough of them this winter. Books of Adam
"Now they have our technology." Tastefully Offensive
Tastefully Offensive
Bad Newspaper
Waynovision, Via Bizarro
xkcd Once again, do click over and read the hovertext.
Cyanide and Happiness
Tastefully Offensive
Fowl Language Comics

Wil Wheaton
Mark Stivers
Sober in a Nightclub
Tastefully Offensive
Meanwhile, in the Terminator neonatal ward... Senor Gif
Clay Bennett
Bad Newspaper
Jim Benton
Fake Science
Safely Endangered
Channel Ate
Tastefully Offensive
"Nowhere Fast" Tree Lobsters
Historic LOLs
Jim Benton
Sober in a Nightclub
Sarah Andersen
Fake Science
Christopher Keelty
"We really MUST see this!" Historic LOLs
What Would Jack Do?
Funny to Me
Shannon Wheeler "Salem Owls"
"Yoink. I can show you the world." Tastefully Offensive
Darius Whiteplume
Tastefully Offensive
Seismogenic Zone
Funny to Me
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