Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Funnies

Yet another incarnation of Sunday Funnies:
Oddly Specific
Hacked IRL
Sober in a Nightclub
Abstruse Goose
Friends of Irony
Bits and Pieces
Epic Win
M Thru F
The Daily What
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
There, I Fixed It
culture jamming graffiti
see more Hacked IRL - Truth in Sarcasm
M Thru F
The Frogman
Matt Smith
see more Lol Celebs
demotivational posters - LAXATIVES
see more demotivators
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Kim Jong-Il
see more Political Pictures
BP's CEO Tony Hayward
see more Political Pictures
Clay Bennett
The Far Left Side
Did You Just Eat Sofa Pizza
Pearls Before Swine
The High Definite
Skull Swap
Non Sequitur
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Probably Bad News... those panties will definitely make someone's ass look fat.
Amazing Superpowers
Friends of Irony
The High Definite

“Oh man. That sucked. Where am I? Some kind of tunnel. This is spooky.”

“Hello little bug. Everything is fine now. You have crossed over to the other side.”

“Who said that? I’m….dead?”

“It’s okay little bug. Nothing can hurt you now. Just head towards the light.”

“Hah! I’m not falling for that again.”
The Frogman
PETA protester
see more Political Pictures
Let There be Blogs
Let There be Blogs
Abstruse Goose
Skull Swap
The Far Left Side
The Daily What
Your one-stop shotgun wedding shopping store. Oddly Specific
demotivational posters - FOUND IM!
see more demotivators

demotivational posters - ENGINEERING
see more demotivators
Engrish Funny
Friends of Irony
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
The High Definite
The Frogman
Did You Just Eat Sofa Pizza?
Señor Gif's
Friends of Irony
Let There Be Blogs... The "Learning" Channel... don't get me started.
Poltergeist poster
see more Lol Celebs
Negative Alphabet, from Did You Just Eat Sofa Pizza
Sober in a Nightclub

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