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All The President's Emails, from The Guardian (and there's another one at the link)
To: Gale Rossides, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration Subject: Re: Security screening measures
Gale, thanks for sending me the results of your interdepartmental brainstorming session on new ideas for airport security in the post-underpants era. I'm afraid "stop people wearing underpants" just isn't gonna fly, and "stop people carrying explosives in their underpants" is something we should be doing already, if you think about it. And as for "make everyone turn on their laptops in case they contain files explaining how to hide a bomb in your underpants" . . . I do understand that you're trying, but you're going to have to try harder. Disappointedly, Barack
To: Gordon Brown Subject: Re: Maintaining a united front during this crisis
Wait, what? No, no, no. I'm talking about the underpants bomber crisis. Which crisis are you talking about? I heard about some kind of leadership challenge over there, but your email seems to be entirely concerned with the weather. Thanks for letting me know that you had a few inches of snow over there — it reminds me of Chicago on a mild winter day! Barack
To: Gale Rossides, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration Subject: Re: OK then, what about stopping people carrying pencil cases, in case there is a pair of exploding underpants hidden inside?
Not that either. Sorry. BHO

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DUBAI—Representatives from the emirate of Dubai announced with disappointment this week that its recent debt crisis has forced developers to halt construction on the city's long-planned 22-mile-long indoor mountain range.The Onion
Mischievous Raccoon Wreaks Havoc On International Space StationThe Onion
“If you ever get bit by a radioactive peacock, you might die–or you might turn into a superhero with the most fabulous costume ever.”Shoebox

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RE: second from the bottom (of that Google Search) - why would there be 80,000+ results??
Thanks for the link love. Your blog is great! Allyson (from ShoeboxBlog.com)
Thanks Allyson! :)
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