Friday, July 24, 2009

It Was 40 Years Ago Today

People tend to think first of the momentous achievement involved with putting a living person on the moon, and forget the equally daunting task of returning that person to earth alive. 40 years ago, human beings accomplished that second task. I seem to vaguely remember being woken for the landing itself, but not being able to stay awake to watch the first step. I'm honestly not sure. But I do remember being riveted by the event, and I was much more emotionally involved with the astronauts' fate afterwards. The days it took for them to return to earth were nail-biters, and the splash-down and recovery of the crew was a much more exciting moment for me than the actual walking on the moon. Picture from NASA's Image of the Day Gallery; front page here.

1 comment:

Susan Harlan Borghese said...

Hi, Lockwood! Steve Coy just posted your blogsite to the class reunion site ). I had to see what you were up to! This is a very impressive blog, covering some of my favorite subjects, science, politics and social justice. I also really appreciated the video of Bruce Cockburn from the 80s -- I only know him from a great Christmas CD we listen to every year.

I hope this finds you well and happy. I'm in Connecticut, well and happy. Email if you like: