Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And That's the Way It Is NOW

Now that Walter has passed along, who is America's most trusted newscaster? Time Magazine ran a poll to find out. (The below is a screen capture; follow the link for the interactive, state-by-state data)
Now I'm a little puzzled... Do people understand Stewart describes himself and his show as "a comedian" and "comedy," respectively? He doesn't think of himself as a newscaster.

On the other hand, perhaps people are impressed by the fact that of all the newscasters out there in TV land, Stewart is the only one honest enough to identify himself as a clown.


Anonymous said...

Why would they have even added Stewart to the list? Thing is, I would have clicked him because that's just the way I am.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Most comedy is truth, so this really doesn't surprise me at all.