Callan suggested that ""petsto" is a lovely dish composed of kittens and puppies, covered in a sauce of olive oil, basil, garlic, parmesan, and pine nuts," which even better than my thought it might be basil and parmesian flavored kitty and puppy food.
Silver Fox saw two possible uses for "notha:" "All I can think of when I see "notha" - It's a notha muckin funday," and "Either that or it's Not Funny (not ha!)." Dean Wormer weighed in authoritatively with the latter: ""Notha" is an Orwellian term for things that aren't funny." Actually, I think the first use evolved from the latter meaning: muckin' fundays are definitely notha.
I was thinking "tatimp" would be a small, irritating person with abundant artificially implanted skin pictures, and "facewr" would be textual skin images implanted, like billboards, on the forehead or cheeks. "Minessi" is either a very small town in Italy, or a tiny version of the Loch Ness Monster.
And so on with the show; here's todays words. Tune in next week for full disclosure, and thanks for playing!

gragabox -- a gabby, gregarious chatterbox.
boriffe -- a boring giraffe.
PS - My word identification for this post is "whanies" (a form of stiff-fitting tighty-whities that make wearers whine about them).
PPS - Lockwood, you gotta do something about that vertical line running through your blog!
a gragabox is the name for those weird fake voicebox things that they give to smokers who've had their voiceboxes removed--the kind where they have to hold an electric shaver to their throats to speak in that weird metallic robot "gragabox" way.
"brarthe" refers to that breath a woman trys to take while wearing a bra that's too tight.
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