I have mentioned Ozma, the feral cat who has moved in with me, in previous posts (
here and
here). At this point, it's not really acurate to call her feral anymore: she is very affectionate and well behaved. Up until I had a camera, I haven't been able to show her off. That has changed.

She's very good at finding hidey-holes. One of her favorites is on top of the spice bags. The door to this cabinet is normally closed, so she jumps up over the sink and crawls though to this space. She doesn't appreciate flashy things going off in her face, and the camera does its range finding with a small visible flash just prior to the photographic flash. As a result, it's difficult to get a picture of her with her eyes open.

Not exactly flattering, but I think she's very cute when she licks her lips.

Well satisfied after a meal.

When I let the apartment get too chilly, she will go curl up on my bed. She generally prefers to sleep on firm or hard surfaces. But if she's cold, warmth is where it's at.

Ozma was the princess of Oz; she is definitely doing "regal" here. You might image I have quite a number more of these pictures. You'd be right. But I see no need to OD on all of them at once.
That cat is adorable, just adorable.
She looks very blissed out. You must be providing great kitty ambiance.
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