To show his support for our troops, Shrub gave up... golf. This is all over the blogs today; the pic came from Crooks and Liars, in this post. “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.” Implying that really, he spends most of his day grimly contemplating the consequences of his Mesopotamian adventure.
First, if he's really worried about what the bereaved see, he should lock himself into Cheney's man-sized safe until next January so no one has to look at his smirking mug. Most of this county is saddened and ashamed by the consequences of our actions. This is incomparable to the grief of those who've lost loved ones, but most of us are grieving over Iraq.
Second, this is the hypocritical bastard who is so supportive of our troops that he threatened to veto a 195 billion dollar bill to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan in part because it included a billion dollars to fund education benefits for returning vets. Support our troops. Magnetic ribbons, not money.
Finally, link over to the Crooks and Liars post above and see the explanation he gave when he actually quit playing in 2003... and the probable actual reason he quit. Here's another good commentary from Badtux the Snarky Penguin.
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