Dan Piraro, the comic-artist who does BIzarro, announced earlier this week that sometime in the not-too-distant future (1-2 year range), he'll be dropping his syndicated comic for other art projects. I'm saddened; I've been a fan from very early in his career. One of the Eugene (OR) alt-papers featured his work for several years before it was more widely distributed. Nevertheless, I wish him luck on his new path. I avoid swiping more than one funny from any single post, but I'm breaking that rule here. Every single comic in his set this week is funny-worthy, and
I seriously recommend you click over to see the others. It wasn't easy to select only two. Regarding that last comic, it occurs to me that there have been three distinct ages of humanity: Prehistoric, Historic, and looking at news the last decade and a half or so, it's clear we've entered a new age, the Antihistoric.
Tastefully Offensive
Wrong Hands
Cyanide and Happiness
Bad Newspaper
Funny to Me
Bad Newspaper
Tastefully Offensive
Savage Chickens
Senor Gif
"Reading comments from reviewer two."
What Should We Call Grad School?
Shannon Wheeler
Lunar Baboon
Funny to Me
Funny to Me
"Oh, the irony."
Sober in a Nightclub
"Salvador Dali drawing a penis on the forehead of a woman and signing it with Picasso’s signature." "Let’s all take a long second to appreciate this."
Funny to Me
Gemma Correll
Very Demotivational
Tree Lobsters
Jim Benton
Real Clear Science (The other two "shortest sciences" are pretty good, too.)
Senor Gif
Tastefully Offensive
A monkey accustomed to oranges tries a lemon for the first time.
Senor Gif
Obvious Plant
Funny to Me
Jen Sorensen
Matt Bors
What Would Jack Do?
Senor Gif
Funny to Me
Funny to Me
Very Demotivational
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