Clay Bennett
Senor Gif... Raawr!
Senor Gif
Hacked IRL
Sober in a Nightclub
Bits and Pieces
Very Demotivational
Senor Gif
Bits and Pieces
What Would Jack Do?
Very Demotivational
Hacked IRL
Senor Gif. How often does looking at an animation make your nose run?
Senor Gif
Sticky Comics
Senor Gif... This Alien Vs. Predator film would be better than the other one.
Dork Tower
So Much Pun
Calamities of Nature
xkcd, with the brilliant hovertext addendum, "If you've never had sex, this is what it feels like. Complete with the brief feeling of satisfaction, followed by ennui, followed by getting bored and trying to make it happen again." This is the perfect complement to
the classic xkcd, Hell:

One in a very funny collection of "keep your eye on the ball" photos at
Dark Roasted Blend.
The High Definite
Sticky Comics
Tree Lobsters
Totally Looks Like... either that or a peeled potato.
Pundit Kitchen
The High Definite
Dr Boli. Answers in Hesiod, hmm? This NEEDS to happen.

Real life Bert, from
Hacked IRL
Engrish Funny... mmmm... shnedd ponk... my favorite.
Sober in a Nightclub
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Totally Looks Like
Bits and Pieces
Very Demotivational
The Daily What:
Guide Goose of the Day: Renata Kursa, a villager from Poland, says she was heartbroken after her dog Baks lost his sight in a recent accident. But her four-year-old goose Buttons was more than happy to lend her eyes to Baks, leading him with her neck, or directing him with her honks.
“[G]radually Buttons got him up on his feet and starting walking him around,” says Kursa. “They’re inseparable now – they even chase the postman together.”
M Thru F
Senor GifI met a fairy today that said she would grant me one wish.
“I want to live forever,” I said.
“Sorry,” said the fairy, “I’m not allowed to grant wishes like that!”
“Fine,” I said, “then I want to die after Congress gets their heads out of their asses!”
“You crafty bastard,” said the fairy.
Bits and Pieces
Sober in a Nightclub
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