I’m almost certain we’ll see something about Hamid Karzai converting to Christianity before the end of August from at least one of the major media outlets like Fox News or MSNBC. But who will it be? Who will fall for the rumor? Anyone care to make a guess?

see more Lol Celebs

Heheh these Sunday funnies are great, Lockwood. The shoe store sign inspired me to create a new comic at http://comix.dorkage.net/2010/08/17/cobbler-jesus/
I threw in just a little extra visual in the punch line frame.
Love it... I had to enlarge the comic before I could see the box of Grecian formula- and only then realized his hair was a different color. I love delayed gags: that's part of why the Spiderman-in-a-bathtub gag worked so well for me.
Yeah, wordpress shrinks them to fit. It's been proven that people would rather see it smaller than scroll. Jesus also dyed the shoe red, ... OVERKILL. I liked spiderman in the bathtub too. You find the best comics, so many of the webcomix on comic nation are sorta lame.
I grant you blanket permission to blog any of my comics that you deem worthy for Sunday Funnies because I know you'll do the linky luv thing.
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