Skull Swap
Not Really But Seriously
Safe, yes. Palatable, no.
Criggo. We're supposed to get weather here, too.
God Hates ProtestersTo: VPOTUS
I really wish you hadn't sent me this, Joe. I know it's just a link to a news story on NBC's website, but now that I've thought about the phrase "John Edwards Sex Tape", I can't unthink it. If you ever get sent a link to this video, I don't want you to send it along. All that floppy shiny hair, and — oh, God. See what you've done? Barack
All the President's emails," from The Guardian
Skull Swap. My own proposed slogan is "Toyota: Give us a brake."
Skull Swap
I love puns. Especially convoluted ones. Pearls Before Swine, via
E.B. Misfit
Everyone loves pissing off street preachers, even "nice" girls. Via

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Lol Celebs
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Oddly Specific
Random Russ
Dystopian Emoticons from
The Daily What.

Geobloggers don't often show up in the Sunday Funnies, but I L'dOl at this one from
Kyle House:
While evaluating the geologic evidence for the magnitude of recent
flooding on the lower Verde River, we noticed this hilarious vignette
of a saguaro climbing to safety.
Click over and tap the pic for full-size; it's quite beautiful.
Probably Bad News
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Engrish. Problem is, incoherent as it may be, this argument
works in the US.

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Friends of Irony "Anyone but YOU."
My First Dictionary
Channel Ate
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dog and puppy pictures
Probably Bad News
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Skull Swap
Cyanide and Happiness
So peaceful... so serene... so
Skull Swap.
The Joy of Tech
Oddly Specific
see more
Lol Celebs. I simply post my chosen funnies from most recent to oldest, so I'm somewhat more entertained when happenstance puts two together like this...

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Political Pictures
"Frida 3000 by John Lytle Wilson," via
Skull Swap
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deMotivational Posters
Joie De Vivre
Joie De Vivre
Joie De Vivre
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deMotivational Posters
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Lolcats and funny pictures
Comic JK
In feudal Japan, wealthy landowners trained their cats to protect them.
Epic Win
Umm... abstinence-only education on the writer's part?
Probably Bad News (with lots of commenters pointing out that the article is pretty straight forward, and not funny)
The Daily What
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Lolcats and funny pictures
I'm caught between raw horror and breathless hysteria.
Skull Swap
Autocomplete Me, posted with the following:
Fave comment: “What happens when Brittany Spears and Chuck Norris do a songwriting collaboration? I’ll take ‘What were they thinking?’ for $1000 Alex.” – James
Nedroid Comics
Totally worth it to see neighbor's expressions alone.
Savage Chickens
Oddly Specific... marketing
Abstruse Goose
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Skull Swap
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dog and puppy pictures
A matter of perspective.
Bizarro Blog... click over and bop the marionette's nose for glorious full-size. Part of the fun of his blog is reading Dan's commentary and the decision-making process of creating comics: figuring out what will and will not fly in American newspapers. For this panel, he points out a couple of other funny ideas that most likely would not.
Ugliest Tattoos... edgy.
Chuck & Beans
Oddly Specific
Probably Bad News
Picture is Unrelated
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Engrish. Posted with the title, "We don't think that slogan will work, Mr. President."
Night Deposits
Probably Bad News
The Daily What
No, Jethro's out in the garage.
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Forecast for yesterday, via
The Daily What
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deMotivational Posters
Cyanide and Happiness
Mr. Bean's Avatar, from
Sunbathing, from
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Epic Fails. Eww. Just eww.

Water on Mars: photographic proof.
Bungee Cat, via
The Daily What
Skull Swap
Tee of the Day, via
The Daily What: “
Brontosnorous Saves The World” by Dekonstruct.
Skull Swap
This Isn't Happiness
Posted with the title "
Something has to be illegal in Nevada," and the following commentary:
This is one of those things I had to look up, just to make sure it was legit. Turns out, it totally is. It’s crayfish, not lobsters, but they’re still illegal to sell. But they have no problem with you going to a prostitute and getting crabs…how odd.
Non Sequitur
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Friends of Irony
Excellent this week.
Really Vegan :-D
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