This is looking across the street at the back end of the soup shop, from outside the Interzone:
A closer look at the white lines marking the limits of the two parking spaces:
Now, standing in front of the parking meter, and looking back at the parking marking:
(Click on the last one for bigger) I thought this was brilliant and funny... though I'm sure many people's heads will go all 'splodey. It also looks like a stencil, so I'll have to look around and see if I can find other examples. I do know someone who does guerilla stencil art... I'll have to ask the person next time I see them if they're the one responsible for this streetside sillyness.

Followup, Friday, June 26: I later realized that if you stood in the appropriate spot, the sunlight glistening off of the paint took on a lovely glow... which just seems to make it funnier. Jeebus laid down his life so you could park safely. (Click to embiggen)
Followup 2, a few minutes later: Commenter Stephen Moore asked, "Is that Grim Reaper, with scythe, behind Jesús?" When I first read it, I didn't see what he was talking about, but if you look at the silhouette in the white paint of the parking cross above the stencil, GR's waist is about the cross strut, the scythe up near the crack with the grass growing in it, and his head in the middle. It just gets better.
More parking Jesus's spotted!

1 comment:
Is that Grim Reaper, with scythe, behind Jesús?
(found your post via your comment on HJHP)
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