Big. Crush.
Tha'ss rite dawg... Obama be da man. In other news, Yoda is looking for a new job.

Now in fairness, if we were to plot Al Quaida #2 leaders killed vs. president, it would look much the same, but shrub would have 6391 #2 leaders killed, and everyone else would have zero. You have to hand it to Al Quaida... their chain of command is astonishingly effective. We could take out 6 or 7 #2 leaders in
one day! Then four or five the next. Judging by Chief Justice Roberts' performance, we wouldn't be able to swear in two vice presidents in a month, let alone a half dozen in an afternoon. But I don't think Obama has taken out a single number two Al Quaida leader yet. Better get on the ball, Barack! The right might decide you're not all you're cracked up to be. And we couldn't have that.
i think bush took out all the #2s.. LOL
beck must be having diarrhea since obama solved this
I was a little surprised Obama authorized the use of force-(not that I'm against it in this case) but then, if he wouldn't have it would have been really bad for him back home and abroad. I was listening for something...anything that the righties would say that was bad about this operation-didn't hear one, but you know they'll find something...("those pirates were really 'freedom fighters' against a dictatorial Somali gov't; the $ spent on this operation could've kept an AIG exec's severance pay up for 2 years"; etc etc)
Great chart. I didn't know about Yoda's pirate activities but it makes sense.
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