Sunday, February 1, 2009


I'm not a huge fan of Thomas Friedman- his enduring support for the illegal war in Iraq has irritated me from its beginning. However, I do think he is thoughful, and I sometimes agree with what he says. When I don't, it's like a puzzle in that I try to find substantive ways to argue with him. From time to time, he passes on a real funny.

From today's column: "What is the capital of Iceland? Answer: $25."


Distributorcap said...

i used to like Friedman - no more - the Iraq war did it for me --- so i dont even read him anymore. but sometimes he does show up on MOrning JOe (why do i watch that train wreck) - and he can make sense......

Dean Wormer said...

Yeah, he lost me with the Friedman Units for withdrawal. He's like a foreign policy David Broder. Echoes the village line.

(Although that quote is funny.)