Monday, February 2, 2009

Extraterrestrial Browser

I like this, but I like many of the posts at this site.Variable Star V838 Monocerotis Totally Looks Like Firefox Logo
see famous look-a-like faces
Variable Star V838 Monocerotis Totally Looks Like Firefox Logo
Here's another that cracked me up:
This Funky Cat Totally Looks Like The Funky James Carville
see famous look-a-like faces
This Funky Cat Totally Looks Like The Funky James Carville


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I despise both Firefox and Carville.

Dean Wormer said...

Is that Mrs. Carville or just a cat that looks like James?

Dean Wormer said...

Word verification "parbully."

The number of freshamn a bully must stuff in a locker before he meets quota.

Lockwood said...

Dr. Monkey- I'm not a big fan of Carville either. I think he did a good job for Clinton, but he's loud and obnoxious, and like Rush, his people can do no wrong, even when they do.

Dean- His wife is actually Mary Matlin (rethug mouthpiece). I have no idea how they manage. She doesn't really look much like this cat. Parbully- HA!