Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Funnies: Adulthood Edition

What Would Jack Do?
Clay Bennett
Tastefully Offensive
Surviving the World
Mark Stivers
What Would Jack Do?

Tastefully Offensive
Two of nineteen "realistic slogans" at Buzzfeed.
"Bookseller humor" You Rach You Lose
Funny to Me
"Movies that can be described with the same sentence." (one of five pairs) Tastefully Offensive
Clay Bennett
"At the end of a lecture on Theoretical Planetary Geophysics where I only understood every other word" Geology is Hard
Senor Gif
LA Times
 Senor Gif
Tastefully Offensive
Tastefully Offensive
Bits and Pieces
"When students want me to change the grade I gave them" What Should We Call Grad School?
Funny to Me


Professor Chaos said...

I did the starry night thing. Now I think I might be high. I definitely shouldn't operate heavy machinery.

Lockwood said...

It's an illusion that's been around since the late 70's at least, and it really is startling. But no worries, the effect burns out in a minute or less... and *I* at least have never had flashbacks. ;-)