Sunday, February 10, 2013

Geo 365: Feb. 10, Day 41: Waiting for the Worm

Dana and I planted our thumper and waited. But the worm never came. Looking roughly south from the first dune south of the path's exit to open sand at Eel Creek Recreation Area.

Photo unmodified. March 8, 2012. FlashEarth Location- cross hairs on day-use parking area.


D said...

Thank You! I owe you one.

Your wonderful posting of pictures of the coast of Oregon, was the inspiration to a virtual road trip, via Flash Earth, up north from Eel Creek Recreation Area, all the way to Depoe Bay (Latitude: 44° 48' 30.4" N, Longitude: 124° 3' 47.4" W), home of the Sea Hag and the memorable Oyster omelette we had there a few years ago while driving through Oregon.

In retrospect, I can't be sure whether it was the actual omelette which was truly memorable or just a combination of things and the exhilaration of the whole trip at the time, it did lead however to the confection of a wonderful homemade Sunday brunch, yesterday: and, yes, you've guessed it, oysters on the half-shell, purchased early in the AM that very same morning, and a fabulous oyster omelette were on the menu.

The moral is: "the early bird catches the worm."

Thank you for a fantastic ride across the sand dunes and the coast of Oregon!

Lockwood said...

Hah! Dana and I ate there too, on a different trip from this one, in July of last year. I got the shrimp melt sandwich and a bowl of chowder- it ended up being a much larger (and tastier!) meal than I had expected. I'll likely do a Depoe Bay Week at some point during the rest of the year. Glad you're enjoying the ride!