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Political Pictures. This, without a doubt, was the funny that I found funniest this week. I've been walking around Interzone and my neighborhood with my hands at sternum level, and a serious, determined look of fortitude on my face, driving my invisible motorized lectern.
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
The Daily What
Skull Swap
epic4chan: "Bin Laden never had a chance."
Skull Swap
Sober in a Nightclub. I would venture that teachers' lack of saying this, and students' lack of *ahem* understanding it, is a large contributor to our so-called "crisis" in education.
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Political Picturessee more
Lolcats and funny pictures. Actually, that one on the right in the middle line is best interpreted as TGIF (Thank God! It's FOOD!). But that's a common misunderstanding among the cat-owned.
epic4chansee more
Lolcats and funny pictures
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Abstruse Goose
Bits and Pieces. You know that feeling when you have to sneeze, but you can't get the launch sequence initiated? Yeah, I hate that feeling.

I don't need to; you keep dropping them all over the place.
God Hates Protestorssee more
Funny Graphs
Rock beats scissors AND iPhones, from
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr.
What Would Jack Do? No caption needed, but I just had an idea for how to use this again tomorrow. BTW, Jack's title on this post was, "Wife #3 is a Borg. You WILL be assimilated...."
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Lol Celebssee more
Lol Celebssee more
So Much Pun. Or a woman. Just sayin'.
Pants are Overrated;
see also part 1, which is every bit as funny and much sweeter.
Calamities of Nature
Sofa Pizza
Dark Roasted Blend
epic4chan It's that time of year again, when seasonal allergies cause teh kittehs to shift from their winter to summer colorations.
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So Much Pun
Just an Earth-Bound Misfit
What Would Jack Do?
God Hates Protestors
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Paul Krugman's Blogsee more
Lol Celebs... "Women: Just like Sand People." Hell, that get-up frightens
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